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Introducing TripleHelix LOL.

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Hi all :D,
We all received the community dispatch e-mail from Webroot a few days ago. In it there was a GREAT link where Daniel was interviewed....
I think that i won't be the only one to be VERY happy to better know the highest ranked member of our community!
In this article we have become more acquainted with this so friendly "guru"always ready to help others in a very personal manner,... as if the latter ones were unique. We also discovered the experience of his life so far, his hobbies and last but not least his jovial face expressing intelligence and kindness.
I am very proud to be his cyber friend as i regard him with high esteem and respect.
I'm sure every member will agree with me and join me to wholeheartedly congratulate Daniel.
Herve .

3 replies

Gold VIP
Hello Herve,
Thanks Buddy for everything you have always been nice to me also and a great friend!
Vive mon frère,
Daniel 😉

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  • June 8, 2014
Sorry Daniel mon ami, for opening a thread that already existed :$.
To tell you the truth, i'm a little bit at a loss when surfing in this forum. Please keep in mind that i'm a stupid French guy who 'needs time to get used to this community.
But then again...on the other hand i think you deserve 2 threads at the highest point! So i don't regret my mistake LOL.
Thanks for your kind words in your reply.
Vive le meilleur et le plus sympa Canadien que je connaisse!
Cheers Daniel,

Gold VIP
Not to worry Buddy it does take time to get to know new Forum Software and just take your time!
Daniel 😉
