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Help! Running small hotel-like situation. Two ISPs, mix or Airport Extremes and Orbi mesh wifi

  • June 19, 2018
  • 1 reply

Help! Current webroot user here, wondering if there's a product that might fit. Your advice is appreciated.  Operating a bed-and-breakfast.
Worried my rotating number guest users might misbehave on my wifi networks. Mostly concerned about pirated movies and illegal porn.
Setting: 4 Apartments. International guests who seem perfectly harmless, no problems so far. Internet used for work and pleasure, streaming, etc.
Guest Networks:
2 ISPs (cable, Fios). 2 Airport Extrmemes, 3 Orbi mesh devices. 
Running wifi in "guest" mode on both Orbi and Apple setups. 
Want: Set and forget. Unobtrusive. Not too expensive. Reliable. Not too limmiting (won't elimate adult websites).
Do not want:  Vigilant upkeep requirments, something that slows, anything that occasionaly breaks our networks (I'm not always around to trouble shoot).
Any ideas? 

1 reply

  • 2804 replies
  • June 19, 2018
Hi ahab,
Welcome to the Webroot Community.
I recommend using a DNS service like OpenDNS. They have preconfigured settings that blacklist sites like gambling, pornography, File-sharing, etc. (Family Shield) The service is fee and, once configured, should be trouble-free. The service is free for personal use and they also over a small business version for free.
You may also be able to setup a blackilist via your router, but that would require keeping it updated. OpenDNS is already preconfigured, with the ability to add or remove sites as you wish.
You can find more info HERE.
Hope this info helps,
