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Hello everyone. I'm a rookie. I have a question  and if this is the wrong place to
ask................let me know.

I am running Webroot. Is there any advantage to activating windows defender to run with
Webroot or should I leave it off?

Best answer by JoeJ

I'm not sure why Windows would be showing the prompt if WSA is no longer registered in the action center. Could you try uninstalling, rebooting, setting the value, and then reinstalling?

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14 replies

Gold VIP
Hello uncledaddy and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.

I'm sorry to say WD will not add anything that WSA can do and much better I also assume you are using Win Vista or Win 7 because on Win 8 or 8.1 WD is a full AV in any case again it would not add to anything that WSA can do but make sure you have Windows Firewall On with WSA's Firewall for full protection please see here in the Online Helpfile:
I hope that answers your Question if not have a look here to see what happens if WSA misses a virus:
Daniel 😉

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 5 replies
  • November 7, 2013
 Thanks for such a prompt answer. I'm on windows 8. ASUS sonic master.
Webroot came with the purchase. I like it and plan on keeping WR after the 6 mos
freebie is up. I won't worry myself anymore with trying to activate WD.


Silver VIP
  • Silver VIP
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  • November 7, 2013
In Windows 8 it's actually not possible to turn Windows Defender on if you have another antivirus installed.
In Windows 7 we use Defender along with WSA, but only as a Defense In Depth layer. 

Gold VIP
Well there is a Registry Tweak if he really wanted WD on but I see no sense!
To Quote JoeJ:
"Because of how Windows 8 detects AV products, disabling Windows Defender, we've added back the ability to disable WSA's Action Center integration. This isn't visible in the UI, but you can now create a REG_DWORD value under HKLMSoftwareWRData (or HKLMSoftwareWow6432NodeWRData on 64bit OSs) named "HideActionCenter" and set the value equal to '1'.

On a reboot, WSA will now avoid integrating into the Action Center and you should be able to use Windows Defender alongside it without a problem."
Daniel 😉

Gold VIP
Sounds Great Mike if you have any other questions feel free to ask!
Daniel 😉

Silver VIP
  • Silver VIP
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  • November 7, 2013
Thanks Triple. I set that and rebooted and it removed it from Action Center.
But I get this error trying to turn it back on

Gold VIP
I will point Joe to this thread and hopefully he can anwser soon.

  • OpenText Employee
  • 46 replies
  • Answer
  • November 7, 2013
I'm not sure why Windows would be showing the prompt if WSA is no longer registered in the action center. Could you try uninstalling, rebooting, setting the value, and then reinstalling?


Silver VIP
  • Silver VIP
  • 580 replies
  • November 7, 2013
Hello both,
I had to set the value, restart, restart again, and it worked.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 5 replies
  • November 7, 2013
I really appreciate all the enlightenment. I own this notebook and I'm determined
to figure out what all it will do and how to best protect it. The price for a year for
a year of webroot is well worth the peace of mind.  :manhappy:


  • Popular Voice
  • 36 replies
  • November 8, 2013
hello is there a place on this forum to make a shoutout? i love your anti-virus (i have the complete version.) You people are geniuses. you have 3x the protection of norton at least, with all the memory hogging of windows defender. (by that of course I know you know that i mean your software is excellent for not hogging any memory. lol) anywho i hope you remain in business for a long time as long as you keep on the same principles (meaning good service and very high quality protection)

Rakanisheu Retired
Do you mean a shortcut to the forum on your desktop? You can drag a webpage link from the address bar to your desktop and it will create a shortcut.

Gold VIP
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  • November 8, 2013

@ wrote:
Do you mean a shortcut to the forum on your desktop? You can drag a webpage link from the address bar to your desktop and it will create a shortcut.
Roy, considering the post I think he (she) meant "shout out" :D 

Rakanisheu Retired
Yup I should learn to read. Ignore my reply! If you want to give us a shotout you can do so on our facebook page we always love to hear from our customers :D
