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Hi, I am fedupWmachines 😠 ; all of them; and then some! But I need them and there is still much about them I love. So, I am here to learn. Probably ask lots of questions. Am non-tech, but was techie(over 25 yrs ago:D) so kinda starting over. Have had some kind of PC for a good 25 yrs, added games, phones, tablets (most recent), laptops, etc....and been with Webroot quite a long time. For now I'll do some more browsing, which is what I was doing before I registered. Decided it was time, since I have looked the site over before and learned quite a bit! THANKS. TTYS:D

Best answer by RetiredTripleHelix

Hello fedupWmachines and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums! 

Identity Shield protects both HTTP & HTTPS from a large list of possible security holes! 

And the Web Threat Shield will protect you from 

Aslo have a look at this video to see what happens if WSA misses a virus:
You are very well protected and if you feel your infected at any time just Submit a Support Ticket and they can check for you! So I hope some of this helps and if you have further questions feel free to ask!
Daniel ;)
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21 replies

Gold VIP
Welcome to the Webroot Community FedUp!  
This is a good place for learning.. That is why I came here to begin with.  I still learn every day, and I try to pass on some of what I learn to others.  Lots of good people here, and we like to have a good bit of fun along the way too.

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  • April 8, 2014
😃 Hello FedupWmachines, Great to have you onboard and DavidP1970 is right we learn from eachother everyday and the Forum is top notch in my book. So hopefully we will see you around clicking the posts and helping us out too.
Starting over too, Sherry

Thanks for the welcome, it's appreciated.
I do have a question. I thought I'd ask here, and if I need to do things different, maybe you could let me know?
Earlier I read about websites should be using HSTS in order to be secure; this was scrolling across the top and I found it again, now, under Comm. Forums> News & Announce > Security Industry News>Websites Must Use HSTS in Order to be Secure (which is the article). It had a reply button, but I don't know much more than what I read in the article, and it looked like a tech discussion after the article.
Anyway, I am very concerned about security. Something went wrong with my HP 309 all-in one printer, and my ASUS PC, Win 7, and it is down; too much to explain at this time.
I want to make sure it doesn't happen to anything else. Currently writing to you from Win 7 Home Prem, 64-bit, Toshiba laptop.
I usually use IE11, but not protected, so was going to switch to OPERA for a browser on the laptp, android tablet, and android phone. This is my boyfriend's machine & he uses Firefox, and I  have had problems with Chrome, not so much with Google, but now it's all connected.......Careful what you sync, right? Truthfully, I m not even sure!:@
Is this something I should do? I see not all web pages are secured; I just thought they all were if you  had the right protection. Currently using WSA Complete; which didn't work very well on my PC, either, wasn't catching things. Not sure if it is doing so good for my tablet either, but, one step at a time, unless it all goes together. I have always trusted Webroot & hope that it isn't the problem.
Well, have you still got your ears or have I gabbed them off already?:D I tend to overexplain or give unneeded info, so will stop for now with which browser should I use; hoping our webroot is working properly. Thanks again,

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  • April 8, 2014
Hi Fedup, sorry to hear about all your issues and I can relate abit about computers going down and it's very frustrating indeed. I'm not an expert in browsers but Firefox seems to be popular to a few users on the Forum..Chrome and Safari I use a lot. It's mostly your own preference. And for WSA not catching things is vague to me and maybe a support ticket would be in order in fixing what it is that is I'm also one who over explain and give unneeded info but we all can help you in one way or another. If WSA complete isn't working then call support. Right? Hopefully the Webroot Forum can offer you more help in morning hours to further confront your security issues. Usually @ or@DanielP1970 can offer more here.

Best Regards,

Gold VIP
Which browser is often considered a matter of personal preference.  They call can have security holes, though usually IE is considered to have the most.  Those holes are of course fixed as they are found.
As for secure (HTTPS) and nonsecure (HTTP), I am not such a great expert on the technical differences.  Basically, HTTPS is a Secure connection, and is less able to have the data stolen or interfered with.  @ is a lot more savvy on this than I am.
Webroot helps protect you either way, though it protects you from what actually gets TO your computer.  Webroot cannot protect the data your computer sends out once it is gone (That is there HTTPS comes in).  Webroot does detect web pages that are faked to try to fool you into sending data that can lead to Identity Theft (Anti-Phising), but that has to do with the content of the page your browser recieved.  
I am probably not explaining this well... @ Are you still around my friend?
@ Thanks for the "@".  TEAMWORK 🙂

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  • April 8, 2014
Hi DavidP1970, thank you for the back up response...


Gold VIP
Hello fedupWmachines and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums! 

Identity Shield protects both HTTP & HTTPS from a large list of possible security holes! 

And the Web Threat Shield will protect you from 

Aslo have a look at this video to see what happens if WSA misses a virus:
You are very well protected and if you feel your infected at any time just Submit a Support Ticket and they can check for you! So I hope some of this helps and if you have further questions feel free to ask!
Daniel ;)

Gold VIP
Thank you TH... a MUCH better visual of what I didn't explain very well LOL!

  • Moderator
  • 21860 replies
  • April 8, 2014
Beautifully done Daniel

Thanks to both David 1970 & SSherjj for your help. David, your links will help & I did get at least part of what you were trying to say! SSherjj, good idea about the ticket. I think that may have been part of the problem, it didn't send properly, I'll have to check my notes. Everything helps, big or small, and just having someone to listen & understand! I'm looking forward to being a member, Thanks!!!

Gold VIP
Like David said and I like to see TEAM WORK RULES! :D

Thanks to you, too, Triplehelix. Maybe my PC is salvagable after all. and my main question has been answered, since we have WSA Complete on everything. I know the laptop & our devices are safe. Big relief!
Enough for tonite, but when I get that ticket into Webroot, I may need  help getting the PC back in order! Details later, I gotta do one step at a time. Love the teamwork & that I can understand what your all talking about! Have a great nite & Thanks to all again!!!!

Gold VIP
You're very Welcome if you think your infected feel free to contact support as they will check and if infected they will remove it free of charge!
Have a Goodnight everyone!
Daniel ;)

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  • April 8, 2014
Hello fedupWmachines, and may I add a Welcome also...

I've not much to add to the great replies you've received here, and was just preparing similar to @ 's info about WSA's wonderful Web protection.
You are absolutely right to be focused on the Browser as the Primary Danger Area, and some knowledge of differences with HTTPS etc is also good to have.
Here is a little further info, and hope you enjoy the Community! :D
    A look at vulnerabilities in the 5 most popular browsers - Secunia Vulnerability Review 2014
  How do I tell if my connection to a website is secure? | Firefox Help
   Browser security - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Webroot Secure Anywhere Context Help
  Transport Layer Security - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Community Leader
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  • April 8, 2014
Hi fedupWmachines,
Welcome to the Community!
I hope you stay with us for longer!

If you wolud like to know something more about WSA and how does it works please look at these examples:
Cloud Anti-Malware vs Traditional
Why Traditional Antivirus is failing - Webroot Webinar
BrightCloud Security Services - Overview
What Happens if Webroot "Misses" a Virus?

For furhter information you can simply explore the Community ;)
Have a great day!
Oh.., I almost forgot, Daniel your explanation is just exellent (as always) :D

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  • April 8, 2014
Hi Dermont7, I just wanted to Thank you for the research on these links, very interesting..

Have a great day, Sherry

Hi to all who have helped me with my 'quick' question in my introduction. I haven't checked all suggestions out just yet. I don't always get on my 'machines' as much as I'd like. So far, all looks good, but if for some reason they don't, I'm learning a lot as I go. THANKS to all! Figured it's time to move out of the intro and move on to whatever comes next as I learn more from the community and hopefully can help someone well else some day 🙂. Sooooo, here I go to whatever is next! TTYS and again, thanks. FedupWmachines

Community Leader
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  • April 15, 2014
Hi fedupWmachines,
You are welcome :D

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 1450 replies
  • April 15, 2014
Hello fedupWmachines, and good to see you back with us again! :D
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask as most folks here are also keen to learn, and help.

  • Moderator
  • 21860 replies
  • April 15, 2014
Hello fedup. ..great to see you back with us..

Have a wonderful day!!


  • Popular Voice
  • 62 replies
  • April 16, 2014
:D:DHello Fed up,
I'm little voice WELCOME and I'm so happy to see you with us. I too have the same laptop and printer had win 7, now 8.1 win
, had same issues leaned alot so some things I can hel you with I became a regular on. My modem was bad, but welcome I read all of the comments and glad things are going well. Just always remember if the community can't find the get it they will cut a work ticket to get the issues resolved. I love the community, you have a filling of belonging.
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[spoiler]Thank you for your time and have a great  day.
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