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Business - Product Update Bulletin - August 16, 2012

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1455 replies



A number of significant updates have been made to the Webroot SecureAnywhere Business – Endpoint Protection Account Management website this week.


       Turkish Language Support – Turkish is now available from the pull-down language selection panel on the homepage.         JavaScript Charting – The Flash based charts in the Account Management website have now all been replaced with a JavaScript based charting framework.         Software Deployment & Deployment Tab – Provides an easy-to-use download link for the installer distribution with the license keycode already embedded.


       Status Tab Updating – The Status tab now refreshes dynamically to update the statistics for total endpoints seen, recently infected endpoint counts, etc.

Turkish Language Support

       Turkish has been added as language option in the Account Management website.        [img][/img]   Update – Console Turkish Language Support   

JavaScript Charting

       The Flash based charts in the Account Management website have all been replaced with a JavaScript based charting framework, which will allow them to be viewed from a wider range of platforms including Android Jellybean and Apple iOS.

Software Download & Deployment Tab

       To facilitate ease of downloading and installing the Webroot SecureAnywhere Business agent, as well as deployment by email, MSI, GPO, etc., we have added a new Software Download & Deployment tab.        [img][/img]   Account Management website – New Deployment tab        

Status Tab Updating

       The Status tab is now refreshed dynamically to update the statistics for total endpoints seen, recently infected endpoint counts etc.            [list=1]       In an empty console: Once a single endpoint reports in, the Status and Group lists will automatically update and remove the deployment text (see below) to show the standard charts and grids. On detecting a change of infection status, the infected charts/grids will also reload for the next two minutes in the background to ensure the latest data is shown.                 In a populated console: If all endpoints are removed/transferred to another management console (by entering a different Keycode in the Agent) the console will do the opposite – hiding the charts/grids, and reverting to the deployment text below being shown.                 In Group Management: The Group Management tab now updates dynamically every 2 minutes to reflect new additions to the account. When updating the Group Management endpoint count, an additional check is performed to ensure that the user is currently registered within the Group Management tab. If they are, this data does not update immediately.  Instead, the Account Management website will check every 5 seconds on that user’s location.  Once the user is on another tab, the data will update. The Account Management website also ensures that, upon reloading this data, any previous group/ endpoint selections are maintained where possible.                 Status Page: If no endpoints are reporting to the Account Management website, the left navigation bar hides itself and the Status Page content shows the following:                 [img][/img]         Account Management website – Status Page Text   



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