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Management Console Update 18.0.1

  • March 27, 2014
  • 1 reply

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6752 replies

PRODUCT UPDATE BULLETIN 18.0.1 - March 27th 2014

In continuation to the announcement of the new Webroot SecureAnywhere Global Site Manager earlier this month, we are now introducing a number of developments. The majority of these are aimed at helping our Managed Service Provider (MSP) customers.

The first enhancements to Global Site Manager (GSM) included in this release, adding many administration benefits, are as follows:
  • NEW – Allow Trials under a Full Parent Key – The option to create a “Trial” site has been added, allowing MSPs to create a “Trial” account from within the GSM without the need to provision a separate keycode.
  • NEW – Add Keycode Logic – Administrators now have the ability to create a new console without needing to go through the existing registration process.
  • NEW – Global Site Manager – Product Tour – Now, when launching GSM for the first time, a new Product Tour will be displayed. The tour highlights all the current capabilities of the GSM and can also be accessed via your administrator drop-down menu.
  • NEW – Global Site Manager – Trial Notification Header – All GSM trials will have the remaining trial duration clearly stated on the console header. Clicking on the notification will bring up the standard Renew/Upgrade popup for GSM.
  • NEW – Show Site Creator – The Site creator will not be visible in the drop-down under a site.
  • NEW – Global Site Manager EULA Logic – The super Global Site Manager administrator will accept the EULA on behalf of all sites (customers) – meaning that if an MSP gave access to a site to one of their customers, the customer will not be presented with a EULA.
  • NEW – Coming Soon Tab – We have added a new “Coming Soon” tab to highlight new additions planned for the Global Site Manager console as it develops over the next few months, the features Webroot is working on for GSM, and to help answer your GSM development questions.
  1. NEW – Allow Trials under a Full Parent Key Now, upon creation of a new site, the option to create it as a “Trial” has been added. This allows you to create a “Trial” directly within your GSM account without the need for provisioning a separate keycode. Once the “Trial” has been created, the administrator can simply convert it to a Full license simply by clicking on the Upgrade button.  [img][/img] Easy to create a 30-day ‘Trial’ Site for a Prospect [img][/img] Easy to Upgrade Trial Site to A Full License  
  2. New – Added Keycode Logic Administrators that are not the Global Site Manager can create a new console without going through the existing registration process by using the new Add a Keycode panel, which will then add a new console within the console selection screen. This greatly simplifies the setting up of a new account, whether for “Trial” or “Production.”  [img][/img] Quickly create a new console under a new keycode  
  3. NEW – Global Site Manager – Product Tour When launching Global Site Manager for the first time, a new Product Tour option will be displayed. The tour highlights all the current capabilities of GSM. It can be accessed any time later via your administrator settings drop-down menu.  [img][/img]            [img][/img] Global Site Manager Features Tour                                                                            Repeat Access via Menu  
  4. NEW – Global Site Manager – Trial Notification Header All the Global Site Manager “Trials” will have their remaining trial duration clearly stated on their console header. Clicking on the notification will bring the standard Upgrade/Renew popup for GSM. This will help MSPs and customers using the trial remain aware of their stage in a trial.  [img][/img] Trial Notification in Console Header  
  5. NEW – Show Site Creator For easier management and administration tracking, whoever created a site will now be visible in the drop-down menu under any site.  [img][/img] Easy to Track who a Site is Created By  
  6. NEW – Global Site Manager EULA Logic The overall Global Site Manager administrator will accept the EULA on behalf of all of their sites – so that if you give access to a site to one of your customers, your customer will not be presented with a EULA.  
  7. NEW – Delegated Console Access Rights Delegated access rights and permissions for each customer or location console, with multi-tiered customizable administrator access rights and permissions.  [img][/img] New ‘Coming Soon’ Tab [img][/img] Sample of Coming Soon Content
