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Announcing Community Badges!

  • Retired Webrooter
We're excited to announce the roll-out of a new, fun community feature: badges!

Just like being in the girl/boy scouts and earning merit badges to sew on your sash, you can now get badges for your accomplishments on the Webroot community. Rather than a sash you'll have a section on your profile to show off your badges:

With a link to a page with all of the badges you've earned (plus a view of all the ones you can aspire to earn).

Frequently asked questions that I'm guessing you might be asking:
What do the badges get me?
That warm, fuzzy feeling of being recognized for your contributions. We do now have badges that represent the levels on our VIP Program where you can get fun swag and prizes for participation on the community.
Are those all the badges we can get?
We're starting out with a selection of badges earned for posting, answering questions and getting kudos on your posts. We'll be adding more badges throughout the year, including badges for participating in our beta program, finding bugs, submitting feature requests and more!
How do I see my badges?
Simply go to your profile and look in the badges section at the top of the page.
How do I see other people's badges?
You can either go to their profile, or you can hover over their avatar in the community to see their most recent badges and a link to the full list:

What badges do I have versus the ones I have yet to earn?
On your badge page you'll see the earned ones in full color, and the ones you have yet to earn greyed out.

What does each badge mean?
If you hover over any badge on your badge page, you'll see a description of what that badge is in recognition of.
What does "Earned by 11" mean?
That means that there are 11 other people who've earned this badge.  So you can see how rare or common that badge is.
I have an idea for a badge!
Great - post it here or send me a private message and we'll see about getting that badge added.

Community Leader
  • Community Leader
  • January 8, 2015
I have a fun badge idea - what about a badge for logging in for at least 20 consecutive days. It can be called the "Get a Life" badge.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • January 8, 2015
@ wrote:
I have a fun badge idea - what about a badge for logging in for at least 20 consecutive days. It can be called the "Get a Life" badge.
Nice idea, I'll see if that is possible 😉

New Voice
  • New Voice
  • January 10, 2015
I would post more but the beta of WSA is working perfectly on my computer running alongside Norton security 2015.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • January 10, 2015
As it should my friend, as it should...given that is what it is designed to do...WSA, that is, of course...;)

Community Leader
  • Community Leader
  • January 10, 2015
@ wrote:
I would post more but the beta of WSA is working perfectly on my computer running alongside Norton security 2015.
The Webroot Beta versions are pretty rock-solid and reliable. 

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • January 10, 2015
You know, Corey, I cannot remember a single beat for a very long time that has not been "rock solid and reliable"...unlike from some securoity app companies that I could mention...but won't...LOL ;)
Regards, Baldrick

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
I have a fun badge idea - what about a badge for logging in for at least 20 consecutive days. It can be called the "Get a Life" badge.
I have a Life it's the Webroot Community!
Show more
:p :p
Daniel 😉

Community Leader
  • Community Leader
  • January 10, 2015
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
I have a fun badge idea - what about a badge for logging in for at least 20 consecutive days. It can be called the "Get a Life" badge.
I have a Life it's the Webroot Community!
Show more
:p :p
Daniel ;)

  • Retired Webrooter
  • February 17, 2015

Gold VIP
@ wrote:

@ you just realising that now? LOL

Just like the Boyscouts eh? Well I was a Eagle scout and I got kicked out of the Boyscouts because I lined my counselor's sleeping bag with fish hooks. He was a meanie and deserved every one of those hooks. :manmad:

With all the notifications the webroot forum has, to annoying for me,  and all is turned off.  Luckly they allowed doing that.
Anyway, decided to join to see what it is like,

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • September 5, 2015
Hi teetertotter
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Sorry to hear you think that we are too 'noisy'! But then again you have discovered that users can turn down the 'sound' as they please.
Anyway, hope you will find something that pleases?
Regards, Baldrick

Popular Voice
  • Popular Voice
  • September 5, 2015
What's up with all of the duplicate posts?? Or is it my browser. Or, could it be a dreaded Bug?

Popular Voice
  • Popular Voice
  • September 5, 2015
Never mind. I'm still learning to read.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • September 5, 2015
Hi Theresa
I occassionally get the same in some of the browsers I use...usually nothing to worry about...just Lithium (the forum's host application throwing awobbly, which it seems to do from time to time).
Regards, Baldrick

Popular Voice
  • Popular Voice
  • September 6, 2015
thanks for that piece of info, Baldrick, I was thinking of getting new glasses. Thought I was seeing double. Never saw this happen where the original message reappears when someone replies. I must have spent 5 minutes on the page trying to figure out who was saying what. I like the Get A Life badge but please don't give it to me, ok? :$

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • September 6, 2015
No worries! ;)
But if you see it happening often then I would report it via PM to Nic so that he can check in the back office and if necessary raise a ticket with Lithium as it may be a sporadic bug or the like.
Regards, Baldrick

Bronze VIP
  • Bronze VIP
  • November 30, 2017
Love the badge idea, but one question; Running webroot on my Mac, my PC, and my Android, yet I do not seem to have those badges. What triggers those? Thanks.

Hello @
Sometimes some of the badges don't get triggered. I'll ping @ our Community Manager and he will be able to help you with the Badges you are missing. ;)
