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Sherry’s visit to Webroot

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6752 replies
This week Sherry aka ? flew all the way from NY to Colorado to tour the Webroot offices as part of her reward for achieving Silver VIP status on our community.


Tuesday afternoon I picked her up from the airport and drove her to the hotel where she’d be staying for the length of her visit. After a quick stop at the shoe store for some new boots (it had started to rain that evening – everyone joked that she’d brought the weather with her 🙂 ), we headed over to the Zolo Grill restaurant to meet with James and several other Webroot folks that Sherry knew from the community for a welcome dinner. We had a fun time and Sherry’s nerves at meeting so many new people were quickly calmed. A few drinks didn’t hurt either :)

The next day her tour started. It began with Mike Malloy, our Executive VP of Products & Strategy, meeting her for breakfast and then bringing her to the office. First up was a meeting with several support, escalation and QA folks from Webroot. We had a lively discussion about all things Webroot, especially with regards to the Mac. Next we got to sit in on a development planning meeting and watch the developers and planners in action as they selected which items from their list were going into the next development cycle. A lot of the technical discussion went over our heads, but the devs did their best to explain as they went along.

For lunch we had pizza in the community & social team area, with lots of people dropping by to say hello (and grab a slice of pizza too).

Next up was a more in-depth meeting with the developers and product managers in the recently named TripleHelix room. ? was the first to reach Silver VIP and visit Webroot. When he was also the first to reach Gold VIP status, we decided that part of his reward would be to have a conference room named in his honor. During the developer meeting we discussed features Sherry would like to see as well as issues she’d had in the past with Webroot’s products. We even got to a custom demo of some Webroot for Android features that neither Sherry nor I had discovered, right from the developer who’d created them!

The grand finale was a party in the lobby with coffee and cake. Many Webroot employees got to greet Sherry and express their appreciation for all the work she’d done on the community to help Webroot customers and improve the product. After the party I gave Sherry a tour of the behind-the-scenes aspects of the Webroot community, then we headed out in search of some dinner. We discussed what sight-seeing she’d like to do with the rest of the evening and settled on the Halloween pumpkin carving exhibit at the Denver Botanical Gardens. It was a bit drizzly but not too cold, and we had a great time walking around the venue and seeing the elaborate pumpkins and decorations.

Her return flight was delayed, so we hung out in the offices for a bit the next morning and took some team photos (which we’d forgotten to do the day before). Then it was time to head back to the airport and back home again.

Thanks for coming to visit Sherry. It was a pleasure hosting you and getting to experience your sunny disposition in person!

31 replies

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • October 23, 2015
Sounds like an AWESOME trip!

  • Moderator
  • 21875 replies
  • October 23, 2015
Your Welcome ..the pleasure was all mine! More photos! A trip that I will never forget!!


 Cat, Richard, Nic, Me, Mike, Jeff ,James, and Allen.


  • Retired Webrooter
  • 725 replies
  • October 23, 2015
? It was an absolute pleasure to have you visit!

I hope you had a great time with us as we certainly had a great time with you!!!
Thanks again for all that you do!

You are GREAT!!! :D


Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • October 23, 2015
Looks like you had a wonderful trip, Sherry...I particularly like the cake...that is some cake!
Regards, Baldrick

Gold VIP
Awesome I'm Glad you had a great time Sherry at Webroot HQ thanks for the pictures ? ?
Daniel 😃

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
Looks like you had a wonderful trip, Sherry...I particularly like the cake...that is some cake!
Regards, Baldrick
The Webroot Family must be growing as there are 2 cakes now! LOL
Daniel 😃

Gold VIP
Is that Lucas with the goatee? LOL I see alot of familier faces cheers guys and gals!
Daniel 😉

  • Author
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6752 replies
  • October 23, 2015
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
Looks like you had a wonderful trip, Sherry...I particularly like the cake...that is some cake!
Regards, Baldrick
The Webroot Family must be growing as there are 2 cakes now! LOL
Daniel :D
Indeed - we're almost to 500 people now.
And yes that is @ aka Lucas with the goatee.  He and Sherry bonded of their shared love of Macs 🙂

Gold VIP
WoW Sherry you are short in the middle of those guys! LOL Which one is James? Must be one of the 2 guys on the far right?
Daniel :D

? it looks you had an awesome time visiting the Webroot HQ. Thanks for the great pics. 😃

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
Looks like you had a wonderful trip, Sherry...I particularly like the cake...that is some cake!
Regards, Baldrick
The Webroot Family must be growing as there are 2 cakes now! LOL
Daniel :D
Indeed - we're almost to 500 people now.
And yes that is @ aka Lucas with the goatee.  He and Sherry bonded of their shared love of Macs :)
Lucas likes Mac's? I thought is was Devin @ and everyone looks great!
Daniel 😉

  • Author
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6752 replies
  • October 23, 2015
Yeah Lucas showed us his shiny new PowerMac - the one that is the black cylinder.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 369 replies
  • October 23, 2015
Lucas likes Mac's? I thought is was Devin [user=17149][/user] and everyone looks great!
Daniel ;)
nope, im the one wearing the red Apple fleece.  I was sitting across from them in the pictures from the boardroom.

Great pics, thank you for sharing them, it is great to see all the team together and put faces to the names.
And I have to agree with ? that cake looks fabulous.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 1450 replies
  • October 23, 2015
Thanks for all the lovely pictures Sherry and Nic and Webroot, and glad you had a great time ? and got back safe and sound. :D  

  • Moderator
  • 21875 replies
  • October 23, 2015
? Thank you for the great write-up of my trip.
Also I want to tell the guys you are a very patient shopper when helping me pick out some shoes ..LOLs:D

  • Moderator
  • 21875 replies
  • October 23, 2015
@ wrote:
@ It was an absolute pleasure to have you visit!

I hope you had a great time with us as we certainly had a great time with you!!!
Thanks again for all that you do!

You are GREAT!!! :D

Hi @,
It was a total thrill to have met you
Thank you so much for your sweetness and thoughtfulness while visiting!
You are awesome young man and I see a great future ahead for you James..keep up the great work yourself!;)

  • Popular Voice
  • 1066 replies
  • October 24, 2015

Looks like you had a great time 😃...even though  the weather wasn't the best, it seems. Thanks for the pictures.

  • 2804 replies
  • October 24, 2015
Hi ?
Hope you had a great trip. Thanks for all of the pictures that you and ? posted, as well. It's nice to see what you look like in a picture bigger than a postage stamp. 😃 Sorry to hear you had travel delays but we're glad you made it home safely. I missed seeing your pleasant and informative responses.      


Popular Voice
  • Popular Voice
  • 365 replies
  • October 24, 2015
Congratulations Sherry and thanks Webroot for appreciating all the hard work she has given to help others. Great job!!!!

  • Moderator
  • 21875 replies
  • October 24, 2015
Hi ?,
Thank you ...
I forgot to mention how great that Webroot cake was. It was delicious ... 😉 I had apple nut spice..yummy! And the best dark coffee too!
Its nice to be home safe and sound! Yes getting home was not fun in those airports! LOLs :)
Going to Webroot was the best trip of my life! Really... a place full of geeks and dual MONITORS everywhere..computers computers. I even got a bag of Webroot goodies ..such as Webroot pens and key chain Webroot usbs......
My dream come true! 
Webroot Teams...people were phenomenal! :D

  • Moderator
  • 21875 replies
  • October 24, 2015
@ wrote:
Congratulations Sherry and thanks Webroot for appreciating all the hard work she has given to help others. Great job!!!!
Thank you @! 😉

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • October 24, 2015
@ wrote:
I even got a bag of Webroot goodies ..such as Webroot pens and key chain Webroot usbs......
My dream come true! 
Webroot Teams...people were phenomenal! :D
I have one of the key chain Webroot USB.  Love it!  I put mine on a lanyard so it can be around my neck..  Makes it harder to forget where I put it LOL!  
That cake sounds sinfully goooood!

  • Moderator
  • 21875 replies
  • October 24, 2015
The best creamy frosting ever and the other cake was yummy chocolate that I didn't try because I couldn't finish my piece. Lols

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 1544 replies
  • October 24, 2015
Nice trip!
Great pics, thank you for sharing them!  :D
Congrats ? !
