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Apple security checks may still miss iWorm malware

  • November 5, 2014
  • 1 reply


New research says Gatekeeper and XProtect aren't entirely effective in protecting Mac OS X against iWorm malware.

Nov 5, 2014  By Jeremy Kirk
Apple's security technologies for Mac OS X may still miss iWorm, a piece of malware discovered in late September that infected thousands of computers.
Apple released an update for its XProtect antivirus engine to detect iWorm, but the update only detects when iWorm's installer is launched, which is a one-time operation, said Patrick Wardle, director of research with Synack, a computer security company based in Redwood City, California. He wrote a paper describing his findings.
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  • 21836 replies
  • November 5, 2014
Hi Webrooters,
I keep hearing of all the trouble and weaknesses of Mac and IOS that its very distubing to even own a Mac.
Thats why a year ago I put Webroot on my Mac! When being told Apple doesn't get malware..not the GateKeeper..Really?
Now what else Jasper! T;)hats 2 articles with SN realted reports today.
Thanks for the warnings!!
