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Russian Hackers Stole NSA Tools From Contractor Who Used Kaspersky Software

It is probably part of why the American Government is cracking down on Kaspersky products.
October 5, 2017 By Ken Dilanian
WASHINGTON — Russian government hackers stole highly sensitive U.S. spying tools after a contractor brought classified material home and put it on a computer that used Kaspersky anti-virus software, a former senior intelligence official briefed on the matter told NBC News.
The details were first reported by the Wall Street Journal.
The contractor, whose name has not been made public, worked for the National Security Agency, which specializes in hacking computers and eavesdropping on communications.
Full Article.

2 replies

Kaspersky is in some deep do do...............that's only the tip of the iceberg..............

  • 2804 replies
  • October 8, 2017
@ wrote:
It is probably part of why the American Government is cracking down on Kaspersky products.

Yes, indeed. American consumers, as well. I was a KIS user for two years, around a decade ago, but it started giving me problems, not downloading signature updates, disabling some functions. I abandoned it for F-Secure, and eventually Webroot, which I've been using for 5 years. :D
Personally, I think Kaspersky users should be suspicious.
