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Adobe Fixes ‘Important’ Flaws in ColdFusion, After Effects and Digital Editions


April 14, 2020 By Lindsey O'Donnell



While Adobe’s regularly scheduled security updates were light this month, they fixed “important” severity vulnerabilities.


Adobe released security patches for vulnerabilities in its ColdFusion, After Effects and Digital Editions applications. If exploited, the flaws could enable attackers to view sensitive data, gain escalated privileges, and launch denial-of-service attacks. Each of the bugs were rated important-severity, based on CVSS rankings, marking an extremely low-volume month for Adobe bug fixes.


Overall Adobe patched flaws tied to five CVEs as part of its regularly scheduled security updates, Tuesday. That number pales in comparison to March, where Adobe patched flaws in an out-of-band update tied to 41 CVEs across its products, 29 of which were critical in severity. In February Adobe patched flaws tied to 42 CVEs in its regularly scheduled updates, 35 of which were critical in severity.


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