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Cyber News Rundown: RedLine malware utilizing Omicron variant in new attacks

  • January 14, 2022
  • 4 replies
Cyber News Rundown: RedLine malware utilizing Omicron variant in new attacks
  • Threat Research Analyst
  • 4 replies

RedLine info stealer is using a fake Omicron stat counter in its latest round of attacks to entice victims to open nefarious email attachments. In other cybersecurity news, a breach compromised the data of over 3.7 million customers of popular app FlexBooker.

Thousands exposed in healthcare management hack

Following a June 2021 cybersecurity incident, officials for Georgia healthcare information management company Ciox Health revealed that over 12,000 patients may be affected. During the several months of investigation, it was determined that a significant amount of highly sensitive patient data had been accessed, though it was unclear if that data had been exfiltrated from the systems or not. The company says they are working to prevent this type of incident from occurring again, though the healthcare industry has generally remained a top target for info-stealing attacks.

Fake Omicron app spreading RedLine malware

The RedLine info stealer has been spreading through email by using a fake Omicron stat counter to entice victims into opening the questionable email attachments. Along with RedLine’s typical info stealing tactics, researchers have found that it also records a significant amount of data on the compromised device. This includes graphics card data, specific BIOS info and even browses messaging apps for data that may have been received. Currently, this campaign has been spotted in 12 different companies though it doesn’t appear to be targeting any particular company or industry.

Data breach affects entire California city

Grass Valley, California released a public statement regarding a data breach within the city’s main network that could have compromised all past and current employees as well as everyone that has shared information with the Grass Valley police department. The breach itself began in early April of 2021, and remained a leak until July, though the investigation didn’t conclude until December when they began contacting affected victims. While many citizens of Grass Valley have started calling the city to learn if their information was part of the breach, officials are unable to give updates on individuals.

Bernalillo County, New Mexico suffers ransomware attack

Late last week, a ransomware attack brought down the internal systems for Bernalillo County, New Mexico and forced multiple county offices to close for an undetermined amount of time. Many of the county’s emergency and DMV services are also unable to operate at their full capacity but are working to assist the public and remediate the overall damage that has been done. This ransomware attack has even caused issues within the community by disrupting tax systems and stopping realtors from finalizing housing sales.

Millions of FlexBooker accounts compromised

Following a data breach, over 3.7 million users accounts belonging to FlexBooker have been compromised. FlexBooker is an app that allows users to synchronize appointments and stay in contact with other employees. Because of this, it contains a large amount of potentially sensitive information. Amongst the stolen data, which is now being offered for sale on a dark web forum, is a database containing 10 million lines of customer information and payment card data.

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4 replies

  • Moderator
  • 8928 replies
  • January 14, 2022

Thanks Connor!


Thank you for the Rundown Connor.


Thanks Connor :relaxed:

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 802 replies
  • January 24, 2022

Thanks @ConnorM ! 

That RedLine malware is SPOOKY! I was reading on a different article that it very easily steals info from browsers such as saved passwords.
