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From Follina to Rozena - Leveraging Discord to Distribute a Backdoor


By Cara Lin | July 06, 2022


In May 2022, Microsoft published an advisory about CVE-2022-30190, which is about a Microsoft Windows Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) remote code execution vulnerability. Attackers can inject a malicious external link to an OLE Object in a Microsoft Office document, then lure victims to click or simply preview the document in order to trigger this exploit. It will then execute a payload on the victim’s machine. Since this vulnerability is a public exploit and has high severity, FortiGuard Labs published an Outbreak Alert on 31st May and a blog article to address it on June 1, 2022.

During our tracking last month, we found a document that exploited CVE-2022-30190, aka Follina, then downloaded Rozena to deploy a fileless attack and leverage the public Discord CDN attachment service. Rozena is a backdoor malware that is capable of injecting a remote shell connection back to the attacker’s machine. In this blog we will explain how an attacker delivers this payload through this vulnerability, along with details of Rozena and its shellcode.


Affected platforms: Microsoft Windows
Impact parties: Microsoft Windows Users
Impact: Full Control of Affected Machine
Severity: Critical


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