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Ticketmaster sends notifications about recent massive data breach


June 28, 2024 By Lawrence Abrams



Ticketmaster has started to notify customers who were impacted by a data breach after hackers stole the company's Snowflake database, containing the data of millions of people.

"Ticketmaster recently discovered that an unauthorized third party obtained information from a cloud database hosted by a third-party data services provider," reads a data breach notification shared with the Office of the Maine Attorney General.

"Based on our investigation, we determined that the unauthorized activity occurred between April 2, 2024, and May 18, 2024. On May 23, 2024, we determined that some of your personal information may have been affected by the incident. We have not seen any additional unauthorized activity in the cloud database since we began our investigation."

Ticketmaster says that the breach exposed customers' names, basic contact information, and "<extra>" information, which is different depending on the user.


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