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;-) Interesting company....

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Neowin brought me here. never heard of webroot till this one thread on neowin talked about you guys. Im interested to see how you stand agaisnt Sophos. ;-) 

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Hello remixedcat and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums! Nice to see someone from Neowin!

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  • August 29, 2012
Thanks for the welcome! Do you interact on neowin? LOL.

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@ wrote:
Thanks for the welcome! Do you interact on neowin? LOL.
I'm just a Luker for now maybe in time? ;)

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  • August 29, 2012
Ha ha.. that's ok 😉 are you on a lot of forums? I am ... I even mod and admin several LOL.

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
Ha ha.. that's ok 😉 are you on a lot of forums? I am ... I even mod and admin several LOL.
Yes many also, mostly here and Wilders Security Forums, Calendar of Updates & DSLR! Do you go by any other username?

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  • August 29, 2012
@ wrote:
Im interested to see how you stand agaisnt Sophos.
Things have changed a lot with Webroot products since the 2011 line and earlier. Webroot acquired Prevx, and their technology is now being used across the whole range of 2012 programs.

Hello remixedcat, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. 😃

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  • August 29, 2012
I mostly go by the name remixedcat on all forums ;-) 
Thanks all for the nice welcomes 😉 I'm a happy cat so far.

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • August 30, 2012
Ahh, a feline.  Welcome to Here!
Interesting start.   Comparison to Sophos. ;)
Prior to SecureAnywhere, Webroot Antivirus was literally Sophos + Spysweeper.  Effectively Sophos Plus.  Spysweeper alone was a boon to a lot of enterprises (I have to say Enterprises because Sophos is pretty exclusively an Enterprise security solution) as it had detection cpaabilities and a definition set that expanded the capabilities of the primary AV solution.
Going to SecureAnywhere brought the technology in from Prevx, so it's pretty serious business.  I could crow about all sorts of tech and such, but for this I'll just say that two out of three enterprise users who just try the new software end up purchasing it, and on average do so even before their trial is over.  The attrition rate is miniscule as well.  So there's good indication we're doing something right. 🙂

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  • August 30, 2012
Interesting.... I love how honest you guys are in how you aren't gloating about how much better your solution is then Sophos. Kudos to you all. 

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • August 30, 2012
It's always a balance.  We offer a feature set that appeals to a very wide audience with an extremely high level of security at the lowest impact we can manage.   Yet there will always be somebody who wants a specific feature that we don't have, or who doesn't like a specific feature we do have.  They need to choose whether they will lose the rest of the benefits that we offer as a cost to going with somebody who does match those feature sets, or compromise on the features instead.
If it's any consideration, for example, Sophos misses fewer threats that we catch than any other provider. :)
Just because we don't gloat about it doesn't mean we aren't better. We know we're better for most cases.  Just that gloating tends to be the realm of the insecure.  We don't need to tell people we're better, because it might not be true for all of them.  We just give a free demo and they find out for themselves. 😉

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