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How do you stop automatic subscription renewal!

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Webroot just automatically renewed a 3 PC license taking the money directly from my bank account. The problem with that is I looked everywhere on my account for an option to stop automatic renewal , and I see no such option in mywebroot account login area. I did not have money to cover this, and my account has now been over drawn due to this. How do I stop anymore auto renewals from happening? How can I get the money returned to my bank account? Why is there no obvious way to stop automatic renewals? I have no PC to use this license on.

Best answer by YegorP

Hey cuttingedgetech and pegas,
I want to make sure that everyone understands our auto-renewal policy so that there is no confusion! :D
First and foremost, I understand that this has been a bit of a frustrating experience and want to let you know that we can definitely get you a full refund! Don't worry! I did check your information in our system and see that you have a number of subscriptions. Can you please Private Message me the keycode and/or invoice number for the subscription you would like to get refunded for?
That being said, I would like to explain our auto-renewal policy so customers [hopefully] don't have this issue in the future. In a nutshell, this is how it works:
Our customers are opted in for auto-renewal by default. It's something we call "Uninterrupted Protection." The main reason for this is that we want to make sure our customers' PC's are never left vulnerable for attacks and other threats. Auto-renewing ensures that there isn't a window of opportunity for viruses, malware, rootkits, etc to sneak through when your subscription is expired. The vast majority of our customers have been happy with this approach as most of them choose to stick with Webroot thanks to our protection. Also, auto-renewing ensures that your subscription will always be renewed at our standard renewal price (plus any applicable sales tax). Our Billing and Payment page describes this in more detail and covers other areas such as refunds and rebates as well. I encourage you to read through it if there's something you aren't sure about.
While auto-renewing is the default option, I want to make it clear that our customers always have the ability to opt out and remove auto-renewal from their subscription. First of all, if you don't opt-out, Weboot will always notify you prior to any charge (via notifications sent to the email address you used for your original purchase). One is sent 30 days before the expiration date and another 14 days before the expiration date. Both email notifications also let you know how to opt out of auto-renewal.
I also want to make sure that you know that when you purchase a subscription from us, we send you an invoice to the email address that you used for the purchase. The invoice includes a description of "Uninterrupted Protection" and explains how exactly it works. It also clearly explains how to discontinue the auto-renewal service and provides a link that you can click that will take you to the opt out page. Here is how that part of your invoice looks:

Once you click "Learn More", you will be taken to this page, which allows you to opt-out directly from the site. Here's what it looks like: (Note: when you click "Learn More" from your own invoice, it will take you to this page but the keycode section will be auto-filled with your keycode)

Hope that sheds some light on our auto-renewal policy. Let me know if you have any more questions.
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Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 1445 replies
  • October 19, 2012
It must be a joke. Are you saying that Webroot charged your account without your knowledge? Are you sure Webroot did it? If that's true I am bemused.
There is nothing bad in being automatically renewed. That's normal nowdays and it is very convenient. However the payment must be always dependent on a user unless you have set an open account for a company (in this case Webroot).

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • Answer
  • October 19, 2012
Hey cuttingedgetech and pegas,
I want to make sure that everyone understands our auto-renewal policy so that there is no confusion! :D
First and foremost, I understand that this has been a bit of a frustrating experience and want to let you know that we can definitely get you a full refund! Don't worry! I did check your information in our system and see that you have a number of subscriptions. Can you please Private Message me the keycode and/or invoice number for the subscription you would like to get refunded for?
That being said, I would like to explain our auto-renewal policy so customers [hopefully] don't have this issue in the future. In a nutshell, this is how it works:
Our customers are opted in for auto-renewal by default. It's something we call "Uninterrupted Protection." The main reason for this is that we want to make sure our customers' PC's are never left vulnerable for attacks and other threats. Auto-renewing ensures that there isn't a window of opportunity for viruses, malware, rootkits, etc to sneak through when your subscription is expired. The vast majority of our customers have been happy with this approach as most of them choose to stick with Webroot thanks to our protection. Also, auto-renewing ensures that your subscription will always be renewed at our standard renewal price (plus any applicable sales tax). Our Billing and Payment page describes this in more detail and covers other areas such as refunds and rebates as well. I encourage you to read through it if there's something you aren't sure about.
While auto-renewing is the default option, I want to make it clear that our customers always have the ability to opt out and remove auto-renewal from their subscription. First of all, if you don't opt-out, Weboot will always notify you prior to any charge (via notifications sent to the email address you used for your original purchase). One is sent 30 days before the expiration date and another 14 days before the expiration date. Both email notifications also let you know how to opt out of auto-renewal.
I also want to make sure that you know that when you purchase a subscription from us, we send you an invoice to the email address that you used for the purchase. The invoice includes a description of "Uninterrupted Protection" and explains how exactly it works. It also clearly explains how to discontinue the auto-renewal service and provides a link that you can click that will take you to the opt out page. Here is how that part of your invoice looks:

Once you click "Learn More", you will be taken to this page, which allows you to opt-out directly from the site. Here's what it looks like: (Note: when you click "Learn More" from your own invoice, it will take you to this page but the keycode section will be auto-filled with your keycode)

Hope that sheds some light on our auto-renewal policy. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 1445 replies
  • October 19, 2012
Many thanks Yegor for the thorough clarification. Now I can say that your renewal system is really sophisticated and well tailored to suit users as much as possible. Well done.

@ cuttingedge
I am sorry for what happened you. Nevertheless having Yegor's explanation, you had very decent chances to avoid auto charging. So next time please take more care for mails/notifications from Webroot.

Community Leader
Thank you for your Asistance Yegor!  You have been most helpful! I found the emails sent by Webroot now. They were in my spam folder. I wasn't aware they were up for renewal until it was too late. I tried to find an option to stop automatic renewal before, but could not find any option for doing this so I thought there was no autorenewal policy.  I had a subscription for 9 PC's, and all of them are in storage right now due to a medical emergency that put me in the hospital for quite some time. I lost pretty much everything due to this, and it will probably be another 3 months before I can get my office equipment out of storage to start over again so I really do appreciate the help. It seems like I haven't had any breaks this year. I will send you the info you requested. Thank You! I appreciate it.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 448 replies
  • October 19, 2012
I'm really sorry to hear about your medical emergency cuttingedgetech! I hope everything can return back to normal and you make a full recovery! I'll get you a refund as soon as I see your message!
Best Regards,

Community Leader
Thank You Yegor!

  • New Voice
  • 6 replies
  • October 20, 2012
thank you for informative discussion. it is very usefull information.

  • 1 reply
  • December 16, 2013
I too almost had an issue.  Luckily my credit card had expired before the auto renew and they could not renew it.
The email you get that tells you how to stop automatic renewal says to uninstall webroot from the computers you have it installed on, in order to stop automatic renewal.  You must uninstall it BEFORE your subscription expires because they will send it for auto renewal before your subscription ends.  So you won't even get the full subcription time you paid for if you follow their "opt out" instructions.
Also,  BEFORE my subscription ended, I bought a new keycode with a sale they had.  I updated ALL of the computers I had on the old keycode, to the new, way before the renewal attempt.  So NONE of the old keycodes were being used.  IT STILL attempted to charge my card from the old subscription, even though all the computers were on the new subscription!
This is NOT a matter of convenience for customers!  This is charging in hopes people don't buy new keycodes, when there is a sale, so webroot can charge you regular price.  Convenient for customers is having an OPT OUT option!
Because of this way they are doing business, I will not renew again.  I love the software, but this is horrible customer service and I will no stand for it.

  • 1 reply
  • November 20, 2014
I just discovered, too late, that my credit card had been charged with an automatic renewal for this product. The ironic thing is that after a month of use I found this product to be inadequate and have been using Norton anti virus ever since.

I'll be pursuing a refund as well. This is horrible customer service suggesting a lack of confidence in the product being sold.

Hello Johnboy, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum.
I'm sorry to hear about your credit card being charged with an automatic renewal. Webroot has I believe a 60 day money back guarantee. Most security software products now have the same Auto Renewal, including Norton. Please check your Norton account to see if you are on their Auto Renewal. Anytime I buy security software I always check about auto renewals and I always opt out. Please submit a Support Ticket. 

  • 1 reply
  • February 21, 2018
I never have any email notification from Webroot  either 30 days nor 14 days before the expiration date! I like webroot product, but I don't want Webroot to do auto renewal without my permission. The reason is that auto renewal will cost me with standard pricing scheme, while if I do it manually I can get up to 62% discount from other places ( groupon,com,, etc). Now I feel frustrating cause my bank already credit my credit card and losing my chance to get the discount.

Bronze VIP
  • Bronze VIP
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  • February 21, 2018
