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Officially Compatible with Windows 8 Release Preview

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1581 replies
Good news! :D
Visitors to the Windows 8 Compatibility Center will notice that Webroot SecureAnywhere is now listed as being officially compatible.
You can visit Webroot SecureAnywhere's Compatibility Center page here.

14 replies

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  • June 29, 2012
So this applies to the current WSA release (v8.0.1.193)?

Gold VIP
Yes it was but now I have v8.0.1.198 on it and it works great!

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  • June 29, 2012
Hmm. I was a closed beta tester too so I think I'll install that version whilst testing Windows 8.

Gold VIP

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  • June 29, 2012
No. That's why I was asking whether the current stable version is the one declared to be compatible with Windows 8.

  • Author
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1581 replies
  • June 29, 2012
Based on my own testing, either of them work. The Beta is officially preferred to facilitate the reporting of bugs, etc. Realistically, either version works though.

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  • June 29, 2012
Thanks Jim. I'm currently running v8.0.1.198 and all seems to be sweet.

Gold VIP
I have been trying WSA with the new Windows Defender and they work well together all you have to do is go into WSA  under Basic settings and uncheck Show Webroot in Windows Action Center!

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  • June 29, 2012
I chose to disable Defender entirely as I've found it causes slowdowns when I open my backup folder that contains all my exe files.

Gold VIP
I was just looking for bugs as I can't find any with the two and if I Check Show Webroot in Windows Action Center it does disable Windows Defender. It does run nice in my VM though ;)

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  • June 29, 2012
I simply disabled Defender by unchecking 'WinDefend' under Autoruns in the Services tab, then rebooting.

  • New Voice
  • 10 replies
  • June 30, 2012
I was running WRSA Complete on Win 8, product version .193 without any issues. I joined the WRSA Win 8 Beta and was running .193 without issues. Got the update to .198 and still no issues. Granted I don't go to every website and I know where to stay away from so I don't get infected, but WRSA does a great job.
I did disable WRSA from running while I purposely got myself infected, but that was because I was bored and wanted to see what happens when you put the Smart Fortress, Win x AV 2012 and a few other rogues such as the peek-a-boo infection on Win 8... which was a LOT of fun! 🙂

  • Author
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1581 replies
  • July 2, 2012
We should really point out here that installing malware on purpose is not recommended under any circumstances. I'm just guessing, but probably "Agent" Mike is with Geeksquad and understands the risks. As the saying goes however, "please don't try this at home."

  • New Voice
  • 10 replies
  • July 3, 2012
@ wrote:
We should really point out here that installing malware on purpose is not recommended under any circumstances. I'm just guessing, but probably "Agent" Mike is with Geeksquad and understands the risks. As the saying goes however, "please don't try this at home."
I am going to have to say I am guilty on that account. :D I am a Geek Squad Agent and Malware Removal is one of my many specialties.
I will agree with Jim that installing any malware on your PC, on purpose is not recommended, or encouraged, unless you really know what you are doing, as it can cause many unknown side effects such as causing OS issues where the PC won't function to your data being deleted, forever. The reason I was doing it was so I can monitor the effects the malware does on my PC, in a virtual environment separated from the rest of the internet, as well as best practices on removing it from the PC. Again, don't install malware on your pc unless you know what you are doing.
