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Cyber News Rundown: Fourth wave of malware attacks target Ukrainian organizations

Cyber News Rundown: Fourth wave of malware attacks target Ukrainian organizations
  • Threat Research Analyst
  • 4 replies

A highly destructive malware campaign targeting Ukrainian organizations is in its fourth wave since the start of the year. Researchers believe CaddyWiper is directly tied to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In other cybersecurity news, four of the largest banks in Australia have banded together to fight against cybercrime.

Android trojans see overwhelming rise in downloads

Over the past few months, researchers have been monitoring a growing number of trojanized apps on the Google Play store, some of which have been downloaded over 500,000 times. It is believed that many of the apps have been published by the same malicious actors and typically disguise themselves as investment apps or other services like navigation and WhatsApp. The investing apps require users to create a login and connect a financial account to quickly begin transferring money for investments, though the money is just being sent to the criminal’s account.

CaddyWiper targets Ukrainian organizations

A new wave of highly destructive malware has been targeting Ukrainian organizations, marking the fourth attack of this type to hit the country since the beginning of the year. While this new variant, dubbed CaddyWiper, shares some tactics with other wiping malware campaigns, researchers have been unable to find any similar code to previous data wiping malware. Prior campaigns had been directly tied to the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and are likely nation-state backed attacks.

CafePress fined for not reporting 2019 data breach

Following an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) into a data breach that compromised the unsecured servers at CafePress, it’s been revealed the breach was subsequently swept under the rug. The 2019 incident came shortly after CafePress had been informed of a lack of security measures while also retaining highly sensitive customer data for far longer than necessary. The data breach only came to light after the hackers posted up a trove of data belonging to CafePress that contained data for nearly 24 million users, who were never properly informed of the incident and were simply charged $25 for an account closure fee.

Australian banks join forces against cybercrime

The Chief Security Officers for four of the largest banks in Australia have decided to take on the issue of financial cybersecurity and work against the larger criminal threat. While this isn't the first time that this same group has come together to work on issues regarding their industry, this meeting comes at a time where financial groups are becoming common targets for ransomware and other data theft schemes.

Denver Cardiology group suffers data breach

Officials for the South Denver Cardiology Association have begun reaching out to nearly 300,000 patients who may have had their sensitive medical information compromised in a cyberattack that occurred back in January. While the attack was discovered quickly and staff were able to shut down other systems to reduce overall damage, it is still unclear as to how the attackers entered the network or how much information may have been accessed during their time in the system.

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7 replies

Bronze VIP
  • Bronze VIP
  • 1275 replies
  • March 21, 2022

This is all very sad news. 

Popular Voice
  • Popular Voice
  • 424 replies
  • March 22, 2022

Very sad state of affairs for a lack of better words. The 4th Industrial Revolution is upon us, and people abuse it for all the wrong reasons. 

  • New Member
  • 16 replies
  • March 22, 2022

sad news for sad times

New Member

My assessment: mixed.

Android story mixed used phones are the problem here.  Apps are weakpoints, non-business apps more so.

Ukraine story: certainly sad, but probably being happening for years without media attention.

cafepress story: corporations not owning up to loss of data should be fined and made their lack of care made public.

Austrian bank story: actually good news. Corporations need to help each other to fight organised crime.

Denver story; good transparency probably going to help the horrible hack in the long run, so the best of a bad job.

  • New Voice
  • 86 replies
  • March 29, 2022

Trojans and malware don't know country borders.

  • Moderator
  • 21867 replies
  • May 29, 2022

Desperate times with devastating outcomes. There isn't one country that isn't being hacked/attacked. . 

Popular Voice

It’s hard to put into words how sad this is. Just hope the world can come together to best this
