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Hello our Cybersecurity Whizzes!👋🔐


In honor of System Administrator Appreciation Day, we want to highlight a lesser-known side of our tech heroes' lives - their adorable, loyal, and often mischievous pets! 🐾💕

Whether it's a cat claiming the keyboard as the perfect napping spot, or a dog deciding that a USB cable is the ultimate chew toy, our pets add a bit of humor (and sometimes extra challenges) to our sysadmin adventures. They may not understand what we do, but they're always there to offer companionship, comfort, and comic relief. 


Did you not want me to press that?

So today, let's share some love for our sysadmin pets! Share your favorite photos of your pet "helping" you in your tech journey. Let's see those keyboard cats, cable dogs, and any other cute critters that share your sysadmin life.

And remember, even when they're walking across your keyboard mid-debug, they're part of our team too. 🐾⌨️💖


So, get those cameras out, and may the cutest pet win!📸🥇


The winning entries will win an Amazon Gift Card or a Growler🎁🍺 The contest runs until August 7th, and we'll announce the lucky winners on the same day.


Check out this post for more details


Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day to all our tech heroes and their beloved pets!


Oh man!






‘Love me, not your clients!’

I’ll help you with the camera in a minute, just checking out this lovely looking bird!


I’m working Boss HONESTLY!!!!!



Jr. sysadmin


Peanut sitting by my desk.  Not wanting to help mind you but wants whatever it is I am eating for lunch on any given day. 

I work from home and usually eat at my desk during lunch. 


With 4 dogs around the house I have help enough when working from home. But the best picture is this one from an jack to Lightning cable that did not survive his teeth when my horse pulled the iPhone out of my pocket.



New kitty doesn’t like coffee haha 


So many great pet clips

There's a cat in there somewhere :)



I told you the answer is always PEBKAC

Remind me of my feline friend. 



My boxer gets all the cookies on Sys Admin Pet Appreciation Day for her hard work 🐾 


The original water cooling…...


The original water cooling…...


Damn is this an oil build?

@Arjan  Alright I did NOT expect a horse 🐎 to get in this mix - you win a growler just for that!

Everyone else has lovely cats and dogs and I can’t possibly choose everyone’s pets - which is exactly what I would do

Here is the wheel of winners with an extra bonus winner 



@russell.harris - You win!


@Robis - You win!


@tmcmullen - You win!


Please DM me for a Gift card or Growler :)

Congrats to all the winners 🏆

Congrats to all the winners.


Well done everyone and thanks @TylerM 

@Arjan  Alright I did NOT expect a horse 🐎 to get in this mix - you win a growler just for that!

Everyone else has lovely cats and dogs and I can’t possibly choose everyone’s pets - which is exactly what I would do

Here is the wheel of winners with an extra bonus winner 



@russell.harris - You win!


@Robis - You win!


@tmcmullen - You win!


Please DM me for a Gift card or Growler :)



I am still friends with my horse 🙂. i will give him treats for winning a prize.

