How to uninstall and reinstall Web root Security properly to fix Issues caused and controlled?

  • 24 September 2015
  • 1 reply

how to properly uninstall and reinstall WEBROOT when system had activated a old name and the settings for my PC? First I deactivated the older PC on the web console. Now I want to try and get PC running proper. Second I made sure to rename my PC so there is no name mix up ever. Now, How do I  uninstall and reinstall my WEBROOT Security on that PC?(ASUS 8.1 Fliptop notebook) I have my key code.ALSO- I need to know if there is anything else I should do before, inbetween, or right after to get my PC running since so many Window settings were conflicting and causing freeze ups?    

1 reply

Userlevel 7

There are a few different ways to uninstall and reinstall Webroot when using the Endpoint product.
Please see this link for the user guides and let me know fi you are still requiring assistance.

