Webroot draining Macbook battery, eating CPU, tired of troubleshooting

  • 13 November 2020
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I’ve been dealing with fast battery drain since buying this new macbook pro. I spent over $1k on this  laptop and could not even leave it unplugged at night because while it slept the battery would drain. Removing chrome seemed to solve this, but I like chrome. Someone suggested installing chrome and removing webroot. I didn’t want to do that, I’ve been a webroot customer since 2007, back when it was PrevX on my system. Finally tired of the problem I tried it. What do you know, worked fine. Still though, I didn’t want to go without webroot. So I changed over to another browser and kept webroot. Battery has held up fine. Lately it’s started getting slow though, so I began digging. Webroot Daemon was eating up my CPU. I have never even seen webroot daemon in my activity monitor before now. I’ve about had it with webroot. I’m tired of constantly having to tweek my preferences around their touchy system. It seems to be getting more & more touchy every year. Any suggestions on something more user friendly for a macbook? I guess I’ll keep WRSA on my windows pc’s since I’ve already paid for another year.

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