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DNS Protection on WWAN NIC

We are trialing DNS protection on PC's that are in mobile use all around the country. We've had some interesting results and looking at the DnsProxyAgent I'm a bit confused.


Our deploment has devices with WLAN and WWAN (4G module) NIC's operating in public operator network. However in the DnsProxyAgent log file there is no mention of the WWAN module or it's DNS server addresses. 


Are WWAN NIC's supported by DNS Protection or not? It is the same style NDIS NIC as the others, so here should be no difference.


ps. Is there a debug switch that would display more detailed log, for troubleshooting?

In theory, as long as the DNS agent can set the DNS settings, we should be able to filter DNS.  I would like to be able to review the logs to see what is going on.


In relation to more verbose logs, you can adjust the LogLevel in the registry.  I would recommend setting the value to 4 to see if that captures more useful information.  Of note, this may cause latency with the DNS requests as well as larger log files, so only do this when troubleshooting.  The registry key can be found here:  ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodewebrootDnsAgent


If of interest, I would like to work directly with you to get this working.  I will shoot you a PM with my contact information.






Just an update to this message, we did go through the issue with Jonathan and others, and it is indeed so that WWAN (Wireless WAN, eg. 4G) nic's are not supported by DNS protection, even if they are NDIS cards. We  managed to circumvent this by using VPN solution, so DNS Protection sees that as the only nicand works as supposed, even if the underlying connection is done by WWAN nic.


Hopefully WWAN nic support will come at some stage, as ~95% of our customer base is using their devices in the field, mainly connected via WWAN.
