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hard drive cleaning prior to sale of pc

  • October 22, 2014
  • 1 reply

I am wanting to sell my pc which has windows 7 as the operting system. In the past I used a product called window washer to clean the hard drive prior to sale. Is there a product available to purchase which will perform this task.
I have been a victim of internet fraud in the past and I would like to be reassured that all my financial transactons and banking/credit card details will be wiped clean before I sell.
thank you

1 reply

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • October 22, 2014
Hi spence
You can do this with WSA using the Secure Erase that is part of the application.  Please see this article for details on how this works, and then once you have set the right level of erasure 'depth' yo can then use the 'Permanently erase with Webroot' option that is reached by clicking on the file, folder of drive that you want to securely erase and selecting that option from the context menu displayed.
But I do caution you that you take great care when doing this as with the Medium & High setting for the Secure Erase feature there is no way obviously they are meant to securely erase the items concerned.
Please feel free to ask any further questions yo may have about this ot any other WSA feature.
Regards, Baldrick
