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Hello: I have been using Webroot for a couple of years with WIN-7, but recently I switched to WIN-8. I began getting messages stating that Webroot Spy Sweeper was incompatible with WIN-8 and should be removed, but the usual uninstall program does not work. How can I uninstall it?

[Email removed by Admin for security.]
Hey scouseWJ02,


Welcome to the Webroot Community! I can definitely help you out with that! We have a removal tool that we use for removing our legacy products.  I'd suggest creating a restore point first before running it just to be on the safe side.


Here is how to create a restore point in Vista or 7. The process is the same in Win 8 (Minus the Start button part)

Then you can run this removal tool.


Also, I looked up your account and see that you do still have an active Webroot subscription good for 230 more days. If you don't already have SecureAnywhere installed, you can click here to install it. Just make sure to remove the old Spy Sweeper product first. When you install SecureAnywhere, it'll ask for your keyocde. I sent it to you in a Private Message. Just copy and paste it in and click "Activate".


Afterwards, you should be all good to go! Let me know if you have any other questions.
I followed the proceedure from web site:  And it said removal complete. BUT I have various WEBROOTs  that still seem to work.  When I do an "unistalll" I expect to see nothing. It's rather evedent that the removal only removed some stuff.



(edited for privacy reasons)
Hello Joe149,


Welcome to the Community Forum,


Have you checked here?


You can also submit a Support ticket and they will assist in this matter.



Kind Regards,


It would have been nice on someones part if they suggested  to do a "Restart"... All the webroot icons disappeared.
Hello Joe149,


Yes you are correct there. Sometimes the obvious isn't so clear!



Happy you got this sorted...




Kind Regards,
