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we removed wbroot software 2 years ago after it expired. today a webroot named popup appeared.

  • July 12, 2016
  • 1 reply

Hp pavillion 20 that originally came with windows 8.0
Upgraded this year to windows 10
bought Webroot anti-rootkit and installed at time of purchase severall years ago.
after Webroot 2 year?? liscense expired, uninstalled it
using avast anivirus since then
Today popup asked for permission to install webroot ?? something
without thinking harder, clicked allow.
we do not have a webroot membership, or subscription.
Avast advised uninstalling second antivirus program..was not compatible with it.
uninstalled it but have no idea why it came to this computer in the first place.
want to remove all registry entries to make sure it's gone, as some reported infected unauthirized versions in internet.

1 reply

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • July 12, 2016
Hi wally6151
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Interest case...the only thing that I can suggest is that you contact Webroot Support (options HERE), explain the situation to them, what you are looking for help on and see whether they will help. As you are looking to 'tweak' the Registry I would not try anything without looking to consult them that is not for the inexperienced or fainthearted
Hope that helps?
Regards, Baldrick
