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I know that's older product, but alsp and freeware,so I would use it on own risk. I see that Webroot still allow downloading of that product, but I didn't see where I can get code. I just want to try it because in my home, for personal usage and want to see which firewall solution is best for me. So if you can help.

You really don't want to do that.  :)  One reason: that firewall is so old, it doesn't take into account more modern technology like multicast DNS.  That means there's a good chance that many printers, scanners, and other wireless devices may not work properly when using that firewall.  There are other technological hurdles posed by other modern technology that has been developed in the last 5 years or so.  Firewalls are important to keep up to date.  You really don't want to start with one that's 5 years out of date and developed on anymore.

On the other hand, there's a good outbound firewall built into Webroot SecureAnywhere, and the Windows firewall, which is sufficiently powerful, is utilized for inbound traffic.  If you're looking to test out a firewall from Webroot, try that one.

And we can't generate keycodes for WDF 5.8 anymore, so I'm afraid you'd be out of luck as far as that goes anyway.
