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Hello, Du you have a service that calls without notifying first online?I find suspicuos 8883871685

  • 22 January 2016
  • 4 replies

Hello,  I want to know why someone called  and alot sound in background typically for sales pitches.  I want to know is this a legitimit Webroot call ?? this guy wants to get into ny computer,  I find it suspicous and he did not identify himself to begin witj,  I had to ask several questions.  I have had  the program for almost a year.

No, that's a scammer. Report them to the FTC:
thanks!!! they call me all of the time 😞 I get so mad at them
I keep this short-cut on my desktop. Excellent website to see if the person calling is a scammer.
@ wrote:

thanks!!! they call me all of the time 😞 I get so mad at them
Yeah they are becoming quite a problem.  The regulatory agencies are starting to crack down on them, which is good:,2817,2472470,00.asp
