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when does the revewal become effective?
Hi berthugginsisaac


Welcome to the Community Forums.


As to exactly when the renewal occurs depends on whether you have a subscription for the Best Buy version or the Webroot version (the former is only available through Best Buy/The Geek Squad whilst the latter is if purchased from any other retailer or from Webroot directly).


If the Best Buy version, then irrespective of when you make the renewal, i.e., even if you renew 10 days before the expiry date, then the subscription renewal will only come through/be applied on the date of expiry or at the latest 24-48 hours after that date, due to the information needing to get back to the Webroot back office (no worries about the delay as you have a grace period after actual expiry to cater for this potential delay).


If the Webroot version then the subscription renewal be applied on the date of renewal or a few hours after you renew (back office needing to catch up again ;)).  The thing to note here is that if you renew for 1 year, 10 days ahead of expiry, then the subscription should show as 365 + 10 or 375 days, i.e., the remaining days on the current subscription are added to the new, etc.


Now if you have 'pseudo' renewed, i.e., you have purchased and received a new keycode rather than a 'real' renewal where there is no new keycode as the new subscription is added to you existing one, then if you have activated the new keycode and are still getting the expiry notification then this will most likely be coming from your old keycode as activating a new one does not cancel the old one...they run currently until expiry...and the message is likely to continue for up to 30 days after actual expiry date as there is 30 day renewal grace period during which time protection remains active, etc.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
