Have had webroot secureanywhere running with mcaffe security center v11 for months w/o problems. I let them update when the need arises. I have had both scan the system including other independent products and no virus or trojans id'd. Some pups but of the general nature ones.
Nothing worse when you are in the middle of something and the screen starts freezing. Updated the video drivers and it seemed to eliminate the issue but returned aparadically. Stated IE without addons but didn't solve the freeze. Then decided to shutdown SecureAnyWhere and have not yet had the type of freeze (other than perhaps some impatience) previously experienced..
Don't like the idea of having the product shutdown since i'm a paid subscriber but something is going on that is causing a significant conflict and eventual screen freeze and it appears related to secureanywhere.
IE 8 keeps hanging up and freezing on Windows XP SP3
Best answer by Kit
Excellent. When you are comfortable considering this to be the definite source (I'm pretty sure it is), you may continue as described below.@ wrote:
@ ; shut the identity shield off as you have suggested. So far, no freezes so we may have isolated the area where the problem is coming from.
Please check the "Edit/View Protected Applications" link under the Identity & Privacy tab.
Look for anything you absolutely trust marked as "Block". If you find this, change it to Allow. You are done and good to go in this case. For bonus points, feel free to contact support and let them know what was under block that you allowed and fixed it.
Look for anything that you have absolutely no idea about marked as Block. If you find this, and can't identify it, contact Support and advise them about the information I am giving here. They will need a full set of wsalogs and will instruct you on how to get them if you have not done so already.
If you find nothing blocked, as a temporary measure you may set iexplore.exe to Allow instead of Protect and contact support. They will need full wsalogs in that case and will instruct you on how to acquire them if you have not done so already.
Once this is done, in any case, you may turn the ID Shield back on.
Way too much info bonus section:
The ID shield specifically prevents blocked and sometimes certain other processes from accessing various resources when a protected browser window is open. Applications should not have any problem when they can't get these, however in order for that to be the case, the application must be written properly, and if it isn't, it'll have problems. If an addon in IE is being blocked from accessing IE and isn't written properly, it will freeze up IE while it tries to get the data it wants and can't. If something else on the computer is trying to access IE and can't, it might freeze up other things on the computer while it is being blocked.
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