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Does anyone know any real solutions to the #ransomware problem? Besides paying the man, which is really no solution at all. God help me if they ever tried to get any money out of me cuz I really have nothing to give them! Lol 
Hi Wilma and welcome to the community.


My answer would be:


1. Practice safe browsing;

2. Make sure all your programs/apps are updated regularly;

3. Employ a good Anti-Virus like Webroot; and



Number 4 is very relevant to ransomware. You are unlikely to be infected with it if you adopt the first three techniques but if, despite that, you do fall foul of a ransomware exploit, then as long as you have a full recent backup of your files, you can happily tell the bad guys to go whistle!


Additionally Webroot should in fact be able to roll back your system to the time prior to the infection. But for peace of mind, there is no substitute for having everything securely backed up.




Hi wilma4213


Welcome to the Community Forums.


Well, WSA protects against ransomeware and the Development Team is constantly refining the defenses that WSA deploys in that fight.


But nothing, not even WSA, is 100% certain to protect one as the battle is constant. Therefore some sensible precautions & practices are recommended in relation to protecting oneself from such an attack:


1. Take care when click on URLs & opening attachments found in emails, especially if you are uncertain of the source. This is a key vector for the delivery of ransomeware to your system.


2. Back up your key files & data, preferably on an air gapped external hard drive, i.e, one that is not connected to your machine between backups.


3. Back up regularly.


4. Better still image your hard drive, if you can, as that is an instant cure to a ransomeware attack.


5. Make sure that you have good antimalware apps installed, and if you can go for a layered defense, i.e., a principle security app like WSA backed up by some more specific anti exploit type software.


Hopefully the above will be of assistance?


Regards, Baldrick
Hello wilma4213,


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


Webroot does protect against Cryptowall and other ransomware variants and are constantly enhancing our ransomware protection and detection.


Have a look here as it gives lots of info: and here: also see this short video if Webroot misses a virus:



Hope this helps?



