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When I scan it reads that it is scanning for malware., but how do you scan for virusus?
Hi tonysanfilippo


Welcome to the Community Forums.


By scanning for 'malware'  WSA is effectively also scanning for 'viruses' as 'malware' is, and I quote:


"short for malicious software, is any software used to disrupt computer operations, gather sensitive information, gain access to private computer systems, or display unwanted advertising. Malware is defined by its malicious intent, acting against the requirements of the computer user, and does not include software that causes unintentional harm due to some deficiency."


and so malware includes viruses, as well as Trojans, Rootkits, keyloggers, etc.


For a more detailed definition/explanation of 'malware' please see this Wiki Article.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
Thank you. I was conserned about this
No are most welcome. Glad to be able to help.


Regards, Baldrick
