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Recent tried W10 in Oracle VirtualBox briefly but since I had a spare HD, I installed that and put W10 on it.  Ater installing it yesterday and installing a few programs one of which was Webroot.  That was build 9841 but I heard that 9860 was out so I forced the update.


After churning away for over an hour, I find the install stop because I needed to uninstall Webroot.  I had the option to uninstall or pause so I clicked uninstall but it left the pause button there.  Some time later, I clicked on pause and find a window asking if I really wanted to uninstall Webroot.  More time but I bailed, rebooted, it continued to install and complete after about 45 minutes.


This morning booted into W10, I had reinstalled Webroot but I see no desktop icon.  After a few seconds, it boots with a message that it has problems.  It did this three times finally I was given the option to go into W7.  Looks like I'll have to reinstall W10.


Anyone trying W10 should put the "Build Preview" so no auto updates are performed, do it manually after uninstalling Webroot to save some grief. 
Thank you for sharing your experiences with W10 and WSA, and I am sure we would enjoy hearing your progress and any issues you find with it, as well as any work-arounds you find.


For anyone else reading this thread, however, I do need to point out that since Windows 10 is not yet in "Release Status", it is officially not supported by Webroot at this time.  Webroot Support may or may not, be able or willing to help with any issues encountered prior to official Release of Windows 10.


That being said... comments regarding experiences MIGHT be valuable, but i will let Webroot answer that part themselves 🙂
It's not supported OS as its not been released, its working reasonably well with WSA so far on my VM. 
Since the evaluation is good to 4/15/2015, we might not see a release till after that time.


Back up on the new build but haven't reinstalled Webroot yet.
blue screening :(



Intel Q6600 quad

3GB ram

Windows 10

320Gb seagate HDD + 200GB maxtor HDD

Geforce 8800GT 1GB
Yes, lots of other having issues with the 9860 build.  Mine started a continuous reboot.  I started from scratch with 9814 again but all reboots booted into W10, cold boots "most" often booted into W7.  The work around was to change the default OS in "msconfig" to W7.  Now it boots into the boot up BIOS menu for selection or just wait for it to boot into W7.  Oh well, it's a beta, what ya expect??
The lastest W10TP build 9879 is out but sadly Webroot won't install, a program compatibility alert comes up!  I did uninstall first before upgrading to avoid earlier problems I had.
I hope they make the wireless network manager like windows 7's instead of this annoying full window thing... very annoying
The suggested way to turn OFF the PCA is from Group Policy except it doesn't work.  I tried goint to the source or PCA services, disabled it but it still popped up!  Found it in the registry, could toggle it ON/OFF too.  It just can't be stopped.  Sent a support ticket here, posted in a W110TP forum, got a suggestion to post in another TechNet area but no responses from anyone at all yet.
I made contact with Webroot by email then with to a direct phone call and remote control of my PC.  The final word is that WRSA happened to work with previous builds was just by accident and they haven't even started to look into W10 support.  I've read that Zone Alarm Firewall gets the same PCA popup.
The fact that they are not yet working actively on compatibility coding for W10 is no surprise.  Back when Windows 8 came out, even after the various AV vendors had spent the time and obtained Microsoft compatibility certifications, Microsoft made some last minute changes the last week before release.  That caused quite a bit of mayhem.


Until Microsoft is really quite close to the final product, and no longer issuing changes extremely frequently, it is difficult to impossible to really work with it.
Somebody, I believe from MS answered my post about the PCA pop up.  They suggested trying to rename the installer.  I changed it from "wsainstall.exe" to "wrsa.exe", no more PCA pop up and it installed with no problems so far. 
That's odd as I have WSA runing on both 32 & 64 bit Win 10 Previews Build 9879 and I needed no change to install.


What kind of install?  Clean or upgrade path?
To upgrade as I did Windows will tell you to uninstall WSA and after the upgrade to the next Build from 9860 to 9879 I install WSA again and help to get the new files Whitelisted and it runs fine now.


Daniel 😉
Yeah, I uninstalled as well but it wouldn't reinstal.  Whitelisted????
Hello wptski,

May I jump in here and say that I've installed W10 Evaluation and I unistalled Webroot and reinstalled WSAC without a hitch.

Sorry you are having these issues...

Best Regards,
@ wrote:

Yeah, I uninstalled as well but it wouldn't reinstal.  Whitelisted????

Yes allot of the new files were unknown to the Cloud Database so I helped to get the files Whitelisted Known Good to the Cloud Database so WSA runs smooth on both the 32bit & 64bit versions of the Win 10 Preview for everyone now! ;)




@ wrote:

@ wrote:

Yeah, I uninstalled as well but it wouldn't reinstal.  Whitelisted????

Yes allot of the new files were unknown to the Cloud Database so I helped to get the files Whitelisted Known Good to the Cloud Database so WSA runs smooth on both the 32bit & 64bit versions of the Win 10 Preview for everyone now! ;)





So not being whitelisted has nothing to do with the install just its operation afterwards?  Funny, I had a support ticket in for this, email first then a phone call where they took remote control of my PC.  They was some miscommunication as they first thought that I couldn't uninstall WRSA.  When they found out that I was trying to install WRSA they stated that W10TP isn't supported, end of converstion.  Here you are saying that you helped make WRSA run smoothly in W10TP.  The two stories don't add up.  Sounds like Webroot tech support is clueless.
Webroot Support does not, at this time, support W10 as W10 is NOT in an officially release state.


Webroot IS, however, in the back end of things, working to keep up with W10 pre-release updates and files to bring WSA into compatibility with W10... Daniel is very active behind the scenes in helping identify files that need whitelisted, but even though he and Webroot are working to make Webroot and W10 work together, we still cannot get any official support from Webroot Support on W10 until it is in Official Release status.


So you will see discussions about it here on the Community, and Webroot employees may even post on this thread, but when it comes to actually contacting Support for assistance, that is not available until W10 has been officially released.

@ wrote:

Webroot Support does not, at this time, support W10 as W10 is NOT in an officially release state.


Webroot IS, however, in the back end of things, working to keep up with W10 pre-release updates and files to bring WSA into compatibility with W10... Daniel is very active behind the scenes in helping identify files that need whitelisted, but even though he and Webroot are working to make Webroot and W10 work together, we still cannot get any official support from Webroot Support on W10 until it is in Official Release status.


So you will see discussions about it here on the Community, and Webroot employees may even post on this thread, but when it comes to actually contacting Support for assistance, that is not available until W10 has been officially released.


I was very clear that I was using W10TP and never mentioned any other OS just the fact that I had no problem till build 9879, yet it went so far.
It's worth saying it again, Windows 10 isnt a finished OS so pointing out how support is clueless is not fair. We are constantly whitelisting new files but its a ever shifting goal posts when you are talking about an OS that is still in open beta. It's not officially supported so Support have there hands tied in some respects.


The forum here is the best place for this, personally I think running WSA on non-supported OS's should be treated in the same way that Malware testing is discussed i.e do it at your own risk. 
@ wrote:

It's worth saying it again, Windows 10 isnt a finished OS so pointing out how support is clueless is not fair. We are constantly whitelisting new files but its a ever shifting goal posts when you are talking about an OS that is still in open beta. It's not officially supported so Support have there hands tied in some respects.


The forum here is the best place for this, personally I think running WSA on non-supported OS's should be treated in the same way that Malware testing is discussed i.e do it at your own risk. 

They had control of my PC which I "assume" they could clearly see what OS I was using.  Actually I didn't follow or understand everything that the "two" techs were doing.  At one point, he got the PCA popup and said, "Hmm, that's odd", "It means nothing if I can, see if you can do what you wanted".  That's when I tried to install WRSA again and got the PCA pop up.  The tech said, "Oh, your trying to install it?".  Game over!


Since this started with emails that started long after I created a support ticket.  It was no secret about the OS.  Even if I couldn't uninstall, why didn't they call a time out then?
I could be wrong but the tech's were probably doing there best to help you. Officially they are probably supposed to tell you sorry they cant help. This is my problem with releasing public beta's, it sets an expectation that people are expecting a full functional OS. 
I have no problem with public betas, but Microsoft, if they do not, SHOULD put a big red background graphic wiht the text "Beta Software: It may not work, and your other software may not work with it"   NOT in the EULA, no one reads those darn things.
Problem is nobody reads them ever! I saw a thread on Reddit (I know bear with me) in the Xbox forum and somebody was complaining that a new feature wasnt working. They were on the Beta program and it was an unreleased feature, they along with loads of people were complaining that it didnt always work. I mean what are you supposed to do when people actively subscribe to a beta program and then complain its not 100%???
