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Hello, for the second time WinRing0_1_2_0 has come up as a rootkit. How do I tell if it really is since 2 other programs have not identified it? Last time I went down the rabbit hole and uninstalled it, then WebRoot continued to identify different files that were rootkits. After the 6th removal task (and a couple hours) I gave up and just used a disk image from a week prior and the problem did not return until today, approximately a month after the last time.

Hello @Snerk13 


Can you post the MD5 Hash’s from the detection's when you save a scan log:


If not then please Submit a Support Ticket and the Threat department will sort it out for you.



Hello @TripleHelix 

Thank you for the quick reply. While I was waiting I re-booted and scanned again and it miraculously disappeared and was not identified it as an issue. I have never looked at the log before, it appears that the newest scan overwrote the log so I do not think it I have that information. I had already done a search and saw there had been past false positives but none recently. Would you advise to still put in a ticket?

Thank you again.


Hello @Snerk13 


Yes I would so they can whitelist your Unknown Files as a simple scan log is uploaded when you put in a support ticket. If there are issues they will let you know.


