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An active process has a possible memory leak (explorer.exe)

  • 31 October 2013
  • 10 replies

"An active process has a possible memory leak (explorer.exe)"


Got this when I ran the System Analyzer on the new version of Webroot using Win 8.1 all updates included.


What do you guys think it means?


I got that same result when running system analyzer.I'm pretty sure it's exclusive to windows 8.1.I'm personally not worrying about it.SO many strange things seem to happen at the outset when a new OS is released.
So probably not an actual memory leak?
Windows 8.1 64bit only the 32bit version is fine and the development team are working on it as it could be a Win 8.1 64bit issue maybe nothing to do with WSA we will wait and see.


I wouldn't think so.I can say i have personally seen some major memory leak issues on windows 8.1(a competitors security product comes to mind...they arent acknowledging the issue at this time),but i havent seen any abnormal behavior by explorer.exe.I would have never known unless System Analyzer mentioned it.I honestly would not worry about it.
There is a thread in the AV only section here about high Memory usage with explorer.exe & Win 8.1 x64:


Thanks TH.I just took a look a WIndows Explorer and it is consistently using 300 megs plus memory irregardless of whether i have both Webroot and KIS turned off.Not going to worry about it.Have 8 gigs of what's 300 megs for explorer.exe.Seems like a Windows 8.1 issue and definitely not a Webroot issue.
Turn them both off and then restart Windows Explorer and it will drop to normal or try one at a time to see if KIS has the same issue?


So far so good, I guess.  I didn't even notice a memory leak or anything.  Everything seems to be running ok.
Thanks TH.I turned both KIS and WSA off then restarted Windows explorer and Explorer was around 30megs.Then Loaded KIS and did some tasks...Windows explorer was at 60megs or so.The second i turned on WSA it jumped to over 300 Megs again.I then tried turning both off again..restsrting explorer and this time starting WSA first and explorer instantly jumped to 300 plus megs.SO i guess it was WSA after all.Interesting.I don't see it as a major problem personally,but will be happy to help if needed:D
I'm sure support is looking into it as it is easy to reproduce and Joe does know about it. ;)


