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Are synched files lost online if deleted?

  • February 20, 2012
  • 5 replies

I'm a little confused about whether synched files are securely backed up.  Since all synched files are altered when a change is made, does that mean if a file is deleted, even if by mistake, it will be deleted on synched computers and online?  Or if a computer breaks down and has to be reformatted, are the synched files online removed as well.
I assume synched files are protected even if not on the Web archive as this would defeat the value of synching, but I've not been able to find this topic on Webroot documentation.

Best answer by brihy1

i believe when you delete a synced file on your pc it is also deleted on the other pc's also but is moved to the deleted files folder on the webroot online storage site.when you go into the deleted files online you can download it or permanently delete where it would be gone forever.
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Community Guide
  • Community Guide
  • February 20, 2012
i believe when you delete a synced file on your pc it is also deleted on the other pc's also but is moved to the deleted files folder on the webroot online storage site.when you go into the deleted files online you can download it or permanently delete where it would be gone forever.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • February 20, 2012
That's correct brihy1!
If you delete a file from your computer, it is removed from synced files as well.  (Unless you have used Webarchive, which keeps all files even if you do delete them from your comptuer.)  You can retreive it in the deleted files folder.  You can see how in our backup user guide on page 49.  This is one reason to be sure you no longer need a file before removing it from the Deleted Files folder.
If however, you have to reformat your computer or replace it, the files are not lost or sent to the deleted files folder.  The same backup user guide I linked to above shows how to recover those files on page 50.  Essentially, you will still be able to see the old computer's files and sync them to your new setup.

  • New Voice
  • February 20, 2012
Thanks very much for your speedy replies!  This answers my question.
FYI, I had called the Webroot support number I have, which I couldn't now find on the website, and the person from iYogi just said that the file would not be deleted online, and I wasn't quite sure without a more detailed explanation.    

  • Retired Webrooter
  • February 20, 2012
The iYogi support line is not affiliated with Webroot in any way.
We have an article with more information about them in our knowledgebase on our support page.  Simply type "iyogi" into the Ask Webroot search to see more information if you would like.
By contrast if you would like to contact one of our own support agents, try typing in "tech support" into the Ask Webroot search to see how to contact us!

  • New Voice
  • February 20, 2012
Thank you.  I had assumed that Webroot was contracting with iYogi for support since, unless I'm mistaken, the number was the same as what used to be the Webroot tech support number.  They did clarify after a bit that they were not affiliated with Webroot, but it was confusing. 
