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How to use System Optimizer

  • December 4, 2013
  • 4 replies
How to use System Optimizer
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1455 replies

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4 replies

I think there needs to be something over why not to do so with a ssd..... Two days ago a lady came in with a 120Gb Intel ssd and webroot running it with the secure erase at max and she manually tried to get rid of conduit and PC optimizer pro, she now has a 110gb, yes she had that much of the conduit suite installed, but so it might be a good idea to let people know....

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 7721 replies
  • December 8, 2013
<p>JHLIttleDogTech, that is a good idea... why don't you make it an Idea <a href="/t5/Ideas-Exchange/idb-p/Ideas" target="_self">here</a>? &nbsp;:)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>(This problem regarding SSD Drives has been discussed on various threads, but I am not sure if an actual Idea regarding this has been made...)</p>

Gold VIP
<div class="lia-message-template-content-zone"> <p><strong>@JHLittleDogTech</strong> May I ask a Question? What does it do to SDD's damage them? No need for overwrites compared to HDD's and how about the lowest setting as that's the setting I use?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thanks,</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Daniel</p> </div>

<p>well it actually has everything to do with read/write space, what ssd are still lacking is they lose sapace fast if you keep writing and erasing to it. cuz it is esentially RAM, thats why 9 times out of 10 if someone has bad RAM that is actually the cause.... and also if you would like to know so settings you need to go and disable the prefetch and superfetch and also disable automatic defrag as every windows 7 and windows 8 machine will have it set to do. Also if you have more than 8GB of ram go and get rid of the paging file that is constantly writing, erasing, and rewriting. if you do that you will even have an increase in performance. and as far as the optimizer goes it bascically is like a polished disk defrag, for spinning drives it is awesome, but for ssd's it is a danger, if you ever want to see it for yourself, go to a bestbuy and look at the space left on those macbook airs that they have on display, as everytiume it goes back to its demo it start erasing all the data that the user who just used it created. you will see a huge decrease is size.</p><p> </p><p>And@DavidP1970 I already tried to bring it up but it kinda got shot down..... I don't know why but oh well, im sure someone from the inside will bring it up again.</p>