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Hello All,

So, received VERY troubling news from Webroot Support and I could really use some guidance here. For the past 8 or 9 years I’ve been a webroot customer. The very first time I renewed I added a new keycode to my account, only find out that I lost all remaing days, and had to start all over setting up Backup. Come to find out that Webroot doesn’t work like most software and that I had actually replaced my account, not renewed it. So, every year since then I have purchased a new keycode and then asked support to add the time to my account, thus avoiding any hassles or lost days.

Well, Webroot has informed that they won’t do that anymore…

From Support…



Unfortunately, we are unable to combine subscriptions in this manner. We would be able to do the reverse, however, and add the remaining days from your existing subscription.

This should not cause any issues as far as your LastPass subscription goes, as you will just need to add the new keycode to your Carbonite + Webroot management account. As for the backup service, we would be happy to provision a license to Carbonite Safe Lite on your new keycode, but we do not support Webroot Backup & Sync on new subscriptions.

Please respond to this message to let us know how you would like to proceed and we will be glad to help you.


The Webroot Support Team


Needless to say, the subscription I just purchased will be my last with Webroot. :(


So are they saying that Backup is going away??? Even though it’s advertised on the package???


So, I’m seriously stressing atm. My console ( doesn’t say “Carbonite”, Is there a new console that I need to enable? I don’t see anyway to add a keycode in the console, as support has stated. I really need to ensure that I don’t lose my LastPass passwords or access to lastpass. Please give instructions on how I add the new keycode so that I retain Lastpass.


If backup is going away will I lose my 25gb of data? If so do I need to downlaod all of that back to my PC?  Is there an easy way to do this?


This is all very sad and troubling. Have been a huge fan of Webroot, have recommended them to literally hundreds of people, and have always remained a customer, but it seems that all of the new ownership has really screwed it all up, especially for Home users. THEY DON”T EVEN PROVIDE TELEPHONE SUPPORT FOR HOME USERS ANYMORE. I can tell when I’m not wanted anymore. It’s just sad.

So, very sorry for all of the questions. Really hoping that whatever/whoever is left at this once awesome community can provide more insight than support was able to (took 6 days to respond, that’s when I knew things were bad)

So in short, if anyone knows the steps for ensuring my lasspass data transfers to my new keycode I would greatly appreciate it. If backup is being removed will I still have access to the data or will I need to download all of it? If I need to download, I think I can figure it out, just was confused as to what support is actully saying here about backup.


Many thanks in advance.

It was really fun, while it lasted...


I forgot to mention that 2 of my protected PCs are not easily accessible as one is my In-laws, who  live in Arizona half the year, the other , my son who is away at college. I don’t really trust my 80+ year old In-laws to be able to enter a new keycode in the PC console themselves. How can I add the new keycode to those computers? Is there way to that remotely in the online console???

I just don’t get why Webroot has to make thing so difficult…

Or, I should say, Opentext….


When I first discovered Webroot, in addition to the great anti-virus software,  there were 3 things that really stood out to me. One, the unique features like Backup & Sync and Password Manager. Two, their excellent, responsive, customer service. And three, their awesome, helpful, knowledgeable community.

Now, ALL of these things have simply dissapeared.

After getting in touch with LastPass, who responded in less than a day, I’ve been assured that my passwords will not disappear and that my account will simply revert to their free account, which I’ve discovered, is all I really need, don’t really need or use the Premium features anyway.

My Webroot backup can easily be replaced by Google Drive, One Drive, VPN provided storage, etc.

So, I will not even be renewing with Webroot, and will give my recently purchased keycode to someone else.

When your customer service finally responds, it’s with outdated and inaccurate information. (There is NO place to enter a keycode in the Webroot Management Console. There used to be, but it has been replace with a “Buy New Keycode” button.) Maybe if Webroot’s  KB wasn’t antiquated and over a decade old, a customer might find relevant, current information, but it is. The screenshots are all for the older console and product. And since there is no more phone support, customers are simply left blowing in the wind, with no notice of the removal of features and no insight as to prepare oneself for this change. Data be damned.

Perhaps I’m expecting too much?

The world is an incredibly screwed up place at the moment. Why should Webroot be any different?

So I will bid adieu to this once great software and community in search of actual customer service (admittedly, increasingly hard to come by, especially since Covid.)

To the friendly,  long-time, community members who’ve been so very helpful over the years (Triple Helix, Jasper the Rasper, Baldrick), Thank You!

I highly doubt that the hacks at the new Web-Carbon-Text appreciate all you’ve done over the years, but I do.

I see some of you are still around. You all are like the band in Titanic, continuing to play even as the ship goes down. I applaud you.

To the hacks at Opentext, the suits, not the real workers, good luck. You are surely going to need it and I wish you all the greatest success in your new jobs that you will soon be looking for. Your work here is almost done.


Hi BurnDaddy!


Yes I can’t add new keycodes to my old Online Console because they have a new one that they want to eventually switch to. as you know Carbonite acquired Webroot before OpenText acquired Carbonite and OpenText is a Canadian Company about an hour or so away from me.


Take Care,

Thank you TripleHelix.

I was wondering if there wasn’t another console that support was referring to. Wish they had been as helpful as you. I had no problem logging into that console and now I see where I can add my keycode. I’ve backed up my LastPass and downloaded everything I had in the Webroot cloud, just in case, as well.  I see in the console something called “Carbonite Safe Cloud Backup” that I can download. Is this replacing Backup? Is it included in Webroot Complete? Is it still 25gb? Sorry for all the questions. Just can’t seem to find this info anywhere.


Thanks again.

They haven’t said and I don’t use the Back Up & Sync maybe @TylerM knows?



Hi BurnDaddy!


Yes I can’t add new keycodes to my old Online Console because they have a new one that they want to eventually switch to.


That is definitely part of the problem here. I was using the button “Visit the Webroot Cloud” that appears under the Backup tab in the GUI. That still takes you to the old management console.



After poking around I found the link to the new management console under the My Account tab.



All of the online information in the KB still reference the old console, as well. It’s all  just a tad bit confusing, no?

Sorry here is the correct article:



Thanks TripleHelix,


Looks like I’ll only be able to access the old console until my subscription expires next month. Then I’ll just use the new management console. Thanks again for the info. Think I have it figured out now. I just need to figure out how to get my new keycode installed on the 2 PCs that I don’t have physical access to. Those PCs might just have to be content with Windows Security until I can make that happen. Wonder if the “Deactivate This Computer” command, in the old management console, still works to uninstall remotely?

@What's Happened to Webroot 


sorry for the delays on responses everyone! Delays in travel and Hurricane prep/power outages (in FL) have taken me mostly out of commission this week.  


Support is correct  in that Backup and Sync are being phased out (eventually) because Carbonite is our backup solution now that we are part of the OpenText Security solutions family. We are more than happy to facilitate your backup and sync replacement with Carbonite as Support has offered. We do not currently offer it included in the complete version of Webroot, but Support are offering them still for people in situations like yours.


I also think that down the road as we pair the two solutions closer together there may be a “complete” version that has carbonite backup included, but I can’t comment on that and there isn’t one currently. 


Please let us know if you have any other questions, but support might be the quickest way to get official stances on these questions.



Thanks for the info @TylerM . I’ve heard back from support who has given me their telephone number and asked me to call. I will try getting a hold of them as soon as I’m able to find time during your business hours. I figured when Carbonite purchased Webroot that it would eventually affect Backup, since that’s always been Carbonite’s purview. Hopefully Webroot/Carbobite/opentext can find a way to incorporate some form of it into future versions. It was THE feature that persuaded me to give Webroot a try in the first place. I will be sad to see it go.


Thanks again, I appreciate it.

So I contacted support via phone.

Apparently they just wanted me to call so that they could direct me to the new console and the place where I can input my new keycode, which, thanks to @TripleHelix , I already knew how to do.

The original reply I received said they couldn’t add my new keycode to my old account, but that they could add the remaining days to my new account.

The support tech I spoke to, Emanuele, told me that I had to wait until my current sub expired or I would lose my remaining days (which I was expressly trying to avoid). No offer to do as stated in first reply and add remaining time

When I asked about backup, I received similar contradictory information. I told him I was currently using the “Carbonite Safe Cloud Backup” that was available to me in the “Downloads” tab of the new management console. He informed me that nothing would change after adding my new keycode and that I would still have this backup feature.

Needless to say, I’m still just as uncertain I was to begin with. It’s a little disconcerting  when a company that one counts on for security doesn’t even seem to be on the same page when it comes to renewal info or backup questions, even among workers in the SAME DEPARTMENT (Support).

So , I will just have to wait and see (sigh). I have backed up my Webroot Cloud backup and Lastpass and will wait the 15 more days and see what happens. Annoying expiry popups, exclamation points, and all.

The tech also mentioned that the reason they won’t add new keycodes any more was because some “Bad Apples” were abusing the system. Now, I don’t know if people were using key generators to game the system or what, but I always included a photo of the actual purchased Webroot product, including my new keycode every time I asked them to do this. Why not come up with a way to approach the issue that directly addresses and remedies the problem instead of a mass, punitive approach that sweeps up long-time, loyal customers who play by the rules. By not simply adding time to my current account you’ve created a whole slew of problems for me and all renewing customers. Again, as a security company, you’d think Webroot would have the capability to discern between “Bad Apples’ and “Good Customers”.


@TylerM wrote…

Please let us know if you have any other questions, but support might be the quickest way to get official stances on these questions.


While I totally understand why you pretty much HAVE to say this, it has not been my experience over the years. While support had always been very helpful when asking then to add a keycode for renewal (something they don’t do anymore) when it came to problems I was having or questions I needed answered, this community (especially the old, pre-Insided community) has always been much more helpful and quicker to respond. This time was no different.


My subscription expires in 15 days. I will update this thread when the time comes. Looks like having to take the “wait and see” approach is my only option.


