Hi, I'm currently using Norton and am growing to hate it, used and loved Bitdefender for years until it became buggy and started acting like malware. Have used McAfee, won't go near Kaspersky. I have used Webroot in the past and left it but don't remember why.
So how is Webroot's performance hit these days ? How is the protection compared to BD and Kas which always seem to score the highest in testing ? Browser protection strong ?
I have 82 days left on my Norton ten seat license but may bail before then. So is Webroot worth using these days ? Thanks for your honest opinions. 🙂
Should I Change to Webroot ?
Best answer by Teksonik
Thank you very much for your input Baldrick. I'll read the article now. It is all the bells and whistles that are driving me nuts with Norton. It's constantly grinding away accessing my hard drive whenever I step away from a system for a few minutes. It's doing automatic defragging and I've not been able to shut it off permanently. It's also prone to false positives and if my fuzzy memory is correct that might have been one reason I dropped Webroot some time ago. I seem to remember WR started to use more system resources as well but it's been so long ago I don't know for sure.
I'm about out of options at this point. I've used just about all the big names so far except Kaspersky which I won't touch with a ten foot poll after hearing Steven Gibson say it might have a backdoor that would allow them to access any file on any computer with KS installed. I was a private beta tester for Bitdefender for its Total Security 2019 product and it was doing some really shady things in the background. That and 12-20 minute update times just to do a simple start of the day definitions update drove me away from them. I quit the team in disgust.
I've got some test systems I could throw the demo of Webroot on if there is one. Thanks again for your help. 🙂
View originalI'm about out of options at this point. I've used just about all the big names so far except Kaspersky which I won't touch with a ten foot poll after hearing Steven Gibson say it might have a backdoor that would allow them to access any file on any computer with KS installed. I was a private beta tester for Bitdefender for its Total Security 2019 product and it was doing some really shady things in the background. That and 12-20 minute update times just to do a simple start of the day definitions update drove me away from them. I quit the team in disgust.
I've got some test systems I could throw the demo of Webroot on if there is one. Thanks again for your help. 🙂
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