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As my Webroot subscription comes to renewal time, next month, I have the following observations on the sales tactics and general customer feedback. To begin with, there is no link to Customer Feedback. You can request technical support, but I wouldn’t bother that department with my feedback and/or personal complaints about the service. This leads to a customer feeling that the company doesn’t care what the end user feels about the service they are receiving. Also it would lead me to think that their technical support must deal with customers, who would like to voice their opinion about the functionality of these services. A general feedback link might alleviate such instances as well as give customers a general feeling of being important to the company they are forking out money to. I looked through everything and even Googled Webroot customer feedback. No such link existed so I found this community page. So, as I stated, about a month before my subscription expires, webroot gives me a desktop pop-up every time I boot-up, and every time I use the software. This is so intrusive and annoying. There is no setting in which to turn it off. This, to me, is yet another reminder, not to renew, but that my convenience is of no importance, as well as my opinion of the program they want me to keep purchasing,, by not caring to ask customers their feedback. So, not only have they changed my decision to renew, which I originally planned on doing, but I am now, not only, not renewing service, but I am uninstalling early, as to rid myself from the annoying pop-up, insisting on my renewal. So there is a couple points to ponder. If anyone from the company ever actually reads this, you might want to consider passing this up the ladder, that is, if anyone even cares about things like customer satisfaction, or satisfactory business practices, or creating return customers that lead to increased profitability. 

Hello @MajorJM 


It’s nothing new with Webroot since the beginning with Webroot SecureAnywhere in 2012 and it notifies the end user that there subscription is running out and you have 30 days to renew or buy another subscription from another place like Newegg or Amazon or your local Best Buy. Most if not all AV’s or AM’s do the same thing.


More info here about uninterrupted protection


So there are many options for the user and again nothing new.


If you want you can email or call and let them know how you feel.

Purchases, renewals, and upgrades

Mon - Fri 7 AM to 7 PM (MDT)

Tel: 1-866-350-6089



Not that I don’t appreciate the response, but my point was I am unimpressed with Hard Tactic sales and Repeat Tactic sales, and you only managed to relay the same exact, ‘You can renew’ information, that I have already been bombarded with. Truth is, just because most other AV’s use the same tactics, does not make it any more effective, or any less annoying. But I must admit, I am responding to you, another salesman or person who receives compensation of some sort from said corporation , which only feeds the fire. For a response, regardless of it’s content, is considered an interest in sales and marketing. But here is the gist, I was giving free advice on these type of sales tactics. I guess they work somewhat well for them, as you stated, they’ve been using them since the beginning. However, they completely missed the mark with me, turning me away from further business, as constant bombardment, which is a hard tactic sales approach, is something I don’t respond to. If there’s one person, like me, that feels this way, then you can be certain there are many more. Sales tactics that alienate a group of potential clients, is simply a bad tactic. Thanks for the standard rudimentary  response, stating the obvious though.


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