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Webroot Antivirus closing my running program even though it’s added to real-time shield exception.

  • 21 September 2016
  • 5 replies

Everything was fine for me running Webroot Antivirus until recently I experienced weird issue having the app closing my other program even though these program was added to the exception list in real-time shield. Since September 19 my Minergate v6.5 64bit for Win 10 application (found at is automatically shut down by the Antivirus. This application is used for crypto currency mining and has been recently detected as a thread even there in no virus in it. I have allowed the Minegate.exe in real time shield and it is no longer detected as a thread however Webroot is closing Minergate automatically after couple of seconds. Uninstalling web-root solves this issue> I installed McAfee antivirus and confirmed that it does not causes this problem. Also I tried another PC using Webroot and have the same problem. My ticket is open with Support without any response which is very frustrating.  


Anyone has similar issues with this Antivirus?:@

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi zawadzkk
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Sounds like the app may have been updated recently as such it is likely that the files concerned just need to be whitelisted in the Webroot Cloud. So I would Open a Support Ticket to advise the Support Team of this so they can investgate and if this is indeed the case or if itis a false positive they can take action to resolve it for you.
Regards, Baldrick
I've sent two messages in “talk to Webroot support" and have not getting any replay.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
I've sent two messages in “talk to Webroot support" and have not getting any replay.
Hello zawadzkk, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. :D
The reason you're not getting any reply from Support is because every time you put a Support Ticket in that drops you to the end of the queue. Please give Support at least 24 - 48 hours to respond. I have had many responses to Support Tickets in less than 24 hours.
Thank you,
Dave. 😉
I am having the excate same problem. I try to white list the minergate and also unblocked it and still it being closed down. I also notice the Webroot will re-block it and also telling me its an viruses, which of couse it's not. Have there been a fix for this problem yet?
Userlevel 7
Hi Stevelm
Welcome to the Community Forums.
In this case, which does happen occasionally, the best approach is to Open a Support Ticket, to ask the Support Team to check out the issue and whitelist (in the Webroot Cloud) the program (or programs concerned). No need to go into detail as a copy of the latest Scan Log (which will contain the basic details) is automatically uploaded when the ticket is opened.
As a matter of course I do this regularly and find that it helps to deal with any less popular program updates, plus any more mainstream one that may have been missed by the Webroot Team during their reviews of what is out there & new.
Regards, Baldrick
