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Webroot turned off , showing message numerous times on slide in notification action center

this problem has been going on for about a week, I think since Microsoft last Windows 10 update on 3/1, security center shows Webroot on and OK, but numerous times during the day on the desktop the slide in notification for action center shows webroot and windows defender turned off click to check security center , I have tried removing webroot completly and reinstalled webroot, tried changing security center in services to auto restarted didn't work, then back to delay start didn't work messages still keep coming , not sure what else to try, it seems numerous windows 10 webroot users are having this problem,and I already put in four message for tech support but no answers yet, any thoughts on this different from what I have tried will help , thanks.

142 replies

Userlevel 4
my UAC was set to third setting don't dim desktop but I just checked it and it was all the way up to always notify , I did not change this ? thoughts Scott.
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ wrote:
Hi Sherry, I really don't want to use Windows defender I don't have much faith in it, I will wait till about 6pm to hear back from daniel if he is busy then I will reinstall Webroot and turn off Windows Defender, just so you know all the computers that I know have this problem are desktop computers and are running on a etherent cable not wireless, thoughts ? thanks Scott.
Hi Scott,
 I also use ethernet cables.  I wouldn't know if that would have anything to do with  the wireless setup?
Userlevel 4
I have a laptop  and a tablet which was upgraded to windows 10 from 8.1 and both have webroot complete and both don't show this message problem, wright now I can find it on mine my Father's and my sister's, all desktop computers all upgraded to windows 10 , two from windows 7 one from windows 8.1, none have a fresh install of windows 10, thoughts ? Scott.
Userlevel 7
Hi Scott
I have two upgraded devices; one from Windows 7 (a Desktop system) & the other from WIndows 8.1 (a tablet device). The former is Ethernet connected to my router the latter uses WiFi...none are exhibiting the issue. :$
There seems to be no rhyme nor reason as to what device it strikes...there obviously must be something but nothing that is apparent to us at present. :(
Regards, Baldrick
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Scott...I wouldn't think that would matter with whether you had an upgrade or clean install 
Userlevel 7
Badge +36
I am getting the notifications on 2 laptops using wireless setup. Both Windows 10, version (OS Build 10586.164). One is 32bit and the other 64bit. Both upgraded with a clean install.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
? Scott can you please Submit a Support Ticket to Webroot so they can get this documented? Before you do that can you please have WSA installed and running and do a few scans and reboot then run this Log Gathering Tool and put the same email address in that you will contact support with and in the ticket tell them you have uploaded WSAlogs as well as the link to this thread!
WSALogs Download Link:
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 4
OK Daniel I did that all already ran logs and sent them to support and they said they had no way of fixing this problem yet, do you want me to do it again ? thanks Scott.
Removed picture as it had your email address in it and for security reasons!
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
If you did already then I guess no need! :( Can you remove the picture or edit out your email address please! Maybe we can get some info on this from one of Webroot's finest! ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 4
OK, I guess you already removed picture ? are you going to ask tech support again or am I suppose to ? Scott.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
OK, I guess you already removed picture ? are you going to ask tech support again or am I suppose to ? Scott.
If none of the Webroot Staff reply that I pinged then I will contact them internally to see what's up as some have this issue and some don't.
Userlevel 7
Badge +36
Mornin' All.....................Can anyone point me to any other AV's that are displaying the same/similar security notifications. I am unable to locate any? Also there is nothing pointing to this problem on Windows 10 user forums which seems unusual?
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hi acooldozen & Good Morning,
This was posted earlier in this thread by TripleHelix.
.......other AV's are having the same issues.
Userlevel 4
Hi , I have a post on Microsoft community and was told by microsoft support to remove webroot and enable windows defender and messages will stop and they did, then after numerous other antivirus trials ( Avast, Eset ,Sophos,  Vipre, Bit defender) I could not make the message pop up only webroot so far, thanks Scott
Userlevel 7
Badge +36
Thanx for the link Sherry, I somehow missed this one?
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
No problem..your are welcome.. This issue has a few links circling around doesn't it? 😉
Userlevel 4
if you run a scan or just open webroot the message slides in wright away, but all the programs I tested yesterday this did not happen, thoughts ? thanks Scott and have not heard anything back from webroot support.
Userlevel 4
Daniel, Sherry , I just found something interesting when installing sophos antivirus yesterday after windows defender was on then go back and check windows defender it shows off all three places, but after reinstall of webroot it shows windows defender still on and checking task manger it's on I guess it stay that way so if no program is listed then windows defender comes on wright away as it did yesterday every time I removed webroot, not sure why action center reacts differently for other antivrus programs, also I had another thought does this happen with just webroot antivirus

? is it just secure complete ? if you want me to try just webroot antivirus and remove complete please send me a key code to try, thoughts ? thanks Scott.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hi Scott I just sent an email to some of the Webroot Staff about this issue! If you look at your picture above note that they are grayed out and you can't move the sliders so WD is not running unless you can see it running in Task Manager? So just hold on until I hear back or one of them post here or else where. But be sure WSA is still protecting you even though this is happening.
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 4
Daniel , new issue popped up in event viewer ? thoughts thanks Scott.

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Daniel , new issue popped up in event viewer ? thoughts thanks Scott.

That's from the Webroot Web URL Filter Extension that should be installed in IE, Chrome and Firefox but I wouldn't worry about that as i see it once in awhile.
03/11 11:50:11:040 2036 Info: WSA-Version:
03/11 11:50:11:040 2036 Info: SkyServer-WRSA:
03/11 11:50:11:040 2036 Verbose: AgentSettings: 000001f7->000001f7 'Enable Web Shield' 'Activate browser extensions' 'Block malicous websites' 'Enable realtime anti-phishing' 'Show safety ratings...' 'Enable WebFiltering driver'
03/11 11:50:11:040 2036 Info: Starting Url processing (
03/11 11:50:11:040 2036 Info: SkyServer:
03/11 11:50:11:087 2536 Warning: Failed to start driver (1753) StartService failed for Driver 'wrUrlFlt'! (1753)
03/11 11:50:11:087 2500 Verbose: Connectivity: IPv4 disconnected
03/11 11:50:15:360 2108 Verbose: Connectivity: IPv4 connected
03/11 11:58:35:514 2508 Verbose: Socket Open Handle=00000E00
03/11 11:58:35:514 2512 Info: OPERATION_GETCONFIG Handle=00000E00
03/11 11:58:35:514 2512 Verbose: BrowserFlags: 0008
03/11 11:58:35:514 2512 Info: Browser: Firefox
03/11 11:58:36:417 2512 Info: UrlCat Ticks=813 [{"URL":","BCRI":96,"ALCAT":1,"RTAP":0,"BLK":0,"REF":1}]]","CAT.CONF":["2.93"],"BCRI":96,"ALCAT":1,"RTAP":0,"BLK":0,"REF":1}]
03/11 11:58:37:272 2508 Verbose: Socket Open Handle=00000EEC
03/11 11:58:37:904 2512 Info: OPERATION_GETCONFIG Handle=00000E00
03/11 11:58:37:904 2512 Info: Browser: Firefox
03/11 11:58:37:920 2512 Info: UrlCat Ticks=0 [{"URL":","BCRI":96,"ALCAT":1,"RTAP":0,"CACHED":1,"BLK":0,"REF":1}]]","CAT.CONF":["2.93"],"BCRI":96,"ALCAT":1,"RTAP":0,"CACHED":1,"BLK":0,"REF":1}]
03/11 11:58:37:989 2512 Info: OPERATION_PHRESHFISH Handle=00000E00 RESET=1 Pages=1
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
This is all I can share:
Hi Daniel,
We’re well aware of the issues related to this and are on the way to having a solution. We approached QA and Development on Monday, and hope to a have a resolution for affected systems soon.
Hope that helps,
Userlevel 4
good night all, maybe maybe find out something tomorrow, thanks for all the help, Scott.
Userlevel 7
Badge +36
Good news Daniel!
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Again not all of us are having this issue and it's because of some Cumulative Updates for Windows 10 Version 1511 and changes in the system API's. Sorry I can't say more but Webroot is working on it!
Daniel 😉
