I keep getting a notification that says “Turn On Your McAfee”. It shows up once every 2 or so minutes. I’m guessing that it’s some sort of Malware. I never used McAfee. And I haven’t clicked on this notification.
I examined System Settings / Notifications. McAfee is not on the list.
Call 1-866-612-4227 during the week Mon - Fri 7 AM to 5:30 PM (MDT)
Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue.
Thanks for the speedy response. I should have mentioned, this “Turn On Your McAfee” notification is coming from MacOS System Settings. I don't want to turn off all notifications from MacOS System Settings. Who knows? MacOS System Settings might have something really important to notify me about once in awhile.
There’s got to be another way to turn off this “Turn On Your McAfee” fake notification,
Call 1-866-612-4227 during the week Mon - Fri 7 AM to 5:30 PM (MDT)
Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue.
I contacted Webroot Support. My issue for resolved within a few minutes. In short, and as Russell.Harris suggested (see above), the problem was with Google Chrome. Google Chrome was infected and was issuing fake notifications that appeared to be coming from MacOS System Settings.
I had previously contacted AppleCare+. They weren’t helpful.