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identiy shield question

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  • October 27, 2018
Sounds like a plan...let me know what you find. ;)

  • 494 replies
  • October 27, 2018
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
I find it very interesting that BJM just installed Vivaldi and is installed to a different path than Baldrick and me and he sees the gold padlock.  Just for the halibut I am going to back up my Vivaldi profile folder, completely uninstall/reinstall Vivaldi and see what happens.
I installed Vivaldi just to test for "padlock".  I'm not experienced Vivaldi user.  Maybe, I did something wrong.
Appears default install path is AppDataLocalVivaldi. 
So, appears I stumbled upon alternate install path. 
My bad. 
Starting over with Vivaldi install at default install path.

Edit: adding new pics


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  • October 27, 2018
SUCESS.  I uninstalled/reinstalled Vivaldi.  Installed to the same path as before.  Still no gold padlock.  I uninstalled/reinstalled WSA and added Vivaldi to the identity shield and sucess.  I now have the gold padlock.  Thanks to all who jumped in on this.

  • 1122 replies
  • October 28, 2018
Thank you for that useful information, @ and particularly @.
Vivaldi is one of those browsers that I have been thinking on and off of trying when I find time (and I have been particularly encouraged by @'s recent positive review of it), but one of the things that bothered me was that Identity Shield appears not to work properly alongside it, i.e. lack of padlock with worrying implication that Identity Shield is either not functioning properly or not functioning at all. Thank you, @ (and @), for showing us otherwise (and how to get there in the event of a hitch!) 😃

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  • October 28, 2018
Hi tmitch06905
Thanks for the information.
Unfortunately, from my perspective there is still something amiss...I have tried replicating what you have described...but to no avail. Despite a reinstall of both Vivaldi & WRSA, etc., I am still 'padlockless' either what you have described is a fluke or I have an issue somewhere in my system that is preventing something working in the same way as on yours. :(
I will have retry all of this again a few times to see if I can sort it out...but something suggests to me that perhaps there is something hit and miss when it comes to what are termed 'unsupporte' browsers...given what I stated about Iron showing the same 'issue'.
Regards, Baldrick

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  • October 28, 2018
Hi Baldrick,
Sorry to hear that what worked for me did not work for you.  I fail to see how an “unsupported browser” is an issue.  As I stated previously it is my understanding that any .exe file entered in the identity shield screen in WSA should produce a gold padlock when opening that program.  This can be demonstrated by entering EDGE, a unsupported browser.  Doing so will produce a gold padlock when opening EDGE, however as we know when we do this one cannot type in the address field in Edge.  We also know that this is a Microsoft issue.  But the gold padlock shows.  When I reinstalled WSA I did not keep any previous settings.  After the reinstall my identity shield screen in WSA showed NO entries.  Before the reinstallation of WSA there were several entries including Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Outlook.  Perhaps that is your problem.  Let me know.

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  • October 28, 2018
Hi tmitch06905
Appreciate what you are saying but I think that the unsupported browser point may be material in the sense that Webroot will not have tested to the same depth as it does for the 'supported' browsers; be that Filtering Extensions and/or other aspects of WRSA including the Identity Shield.
In most cases the browsers used by many are a 'derivative' of the main supported browsers and therefore are more than likely to 'work', i.e., display the 'padlock'. Even Opera now is a 'derivative' browser as I believe that it used the Chromium engine.
Vivaldi is as far as I know the only serious mainstream contender that is doing its own to speak...and hence why results may be variable depending on one's system.
Still, I will persevere with Vivaldi and see if I can find out what the issue is in relation to it & the padlock.
Regards, Baldrick

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  • October 28, 2018
Hi Baldrick,
Glad to hear that you are going to persevere.  I would be very interested in any conclusions that your find.  Specifically is this statement true or false:  Any .exe program whether browser or otherwise, supported by Webroot or not supported by Webroot when placed in the identity shield screen should produce a gold padlock when opening that file.
As to my specific instance I put the conclusion down to what I have read so many times in this forum, that a clean install of WRSA solves a world of issues.  Maybe I’m wrong but please let me know.

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  • October 28, 2018
@ @ I just installed Vivaldi but I installed it to Program Files on my D drive and the Padlock shows after I added it to ID shield, now I never liked programs to install in Appdata as that is the User Space (Where most infections like to install or hide) so even C:Program Files would be fine as well (I think) I remember when Chrome use to install in Appdata and we seen issues with that in the past so instead of installing in Appdata install it in Program Files or if you are using the 32bit version then Program Files (x86)


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  • October 28, 2018
Thank you for pointing out the issues with installing Vivaldi in the Appdata folder.  I didn’t think of that when I installed it.  I am going to back up my Vivaldi profile folder and uninstall/reinstall Vivaldi to my program files folder.  Gosh, I love this forum.

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  • October 28, 2018
Hi Daniel
You make an excellent point which, having just done a review of exactly where every browser is installed to, would suggest that you are correct as the only one installed in appdata is indeed...Vivaldi.
So I will uninstall & reinstall elsewhere and see what transpires...I suspect that you will be proved correct. Will let you know.;)
Regards, Baldrick

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  • October 28, 2018
Also to add: When you add Vivaldi to the ID Shield to do a simple test to see if the padlock shows!
Click anywhere in the open browser and the padlock should show and now click somewhere in the taskbar and the padlock will disappear and then click back within the browser and it will reappear which is normal because the protected app must have Focus so when you click in the taskbar it removes the protective Focus until you click within the browser to bring the secure Focus back to the browser or any other program you have added to the ID Shield! 😉

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  • October 28, 2018
@TripleHelix @Baldrick
Just want to say thank you for that post.  I reinstalled Vivaldi to c:program files.  My Vivaldi profile folder is still in AppData exactly where is should be.  Thinking about it I feel better this way.  When I installed it in c:program files WRSA automatically put it into identity shield with the correct path.  When it was installed in AppData I had to put it into identity shield manually.  Interesting.

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  • October 28, 2018
@ wrote:
@TripleHelix @Baldrick
Just want to say thank you for that post.  I reinstalled Vivaldi to c:program files.  My Vivaldi profile folder is still in AppData exactly where is should be.  Thinking about it I feel better this way.  When I installed it in c:program files WRSA automatically put it into identity shield with the correct path.  When it was installed in AppData I had to put it into identity shield manually.  Interesting.
Correct and very interesting what you said above!

  • 494 replies
  • October 28, 2018
AppData is the default location, by which it installs just for the current user. You can click the Advanced button and choose to install for all users as well as change the location.

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  • October 28, 2018
One learns something new every day.  Thank you for that info.  Just looked and found I did the same thing with Opera when I installed it so I moved it to c:program files also.  Again WRSA automatically added it to the identity shield screen.  We keep going this thread may never die (lol)

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  • October 28, 2018
Now that this is done on my part, time to uninstall Vivaldi as I find it nothing special and don't need it.

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  • October 29, 2018
Hi Daniel
Did a thorough uninstall of Vivaldi using Revo...boy, does it leave a lot of debris behind. :@
Then reinstalled it base don what yo usuggested...and nothing. Left it for a while and still nothinig. Rebooted, tried Vivaldi again...and low & behold...a padlock. So why it needed a reboot I really do not know...but there you go.
So thanks for the tip...that is now sorted.
Regards, Baldrick

Popular Voice
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  • October 29, 2018
You are right about Vivaldi uninstall leaving a lot of debris behind.  I used CCleaner and then went in and deleted the leftover folders.  I was able to backup my profile folder prior to  uninstalling.  If all is well do you think we can put this thread to bed although I did learn something which is good.  Thanks to all who jumped in.

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  • October 29, 2018
@ wrote:
Hi Daniel
Did a thorough uninstall of Vivaldi using Revo...boy, does it leave a lot of debris behind. :@
Then reinstalled it base don what yo usuggested...and nothing. Left it for a while and still nothinig. Rebooted, tried Vivaldi again...and low & behold...a padlock. So why it needed a reboot I really do not know...but there you go.
So thanks for the tip...that is now sorted.
Regards, Baldrick
Same here and with CCleaner and I also do a search of my PC for "Vivaldi"
