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Just a quick Question, my web root keeps blocking a secure file from play buddy.

  • January 25, 2015
  • 1 reply

My webroot keeps blocking a secure file called play buddy from pogo my daughter plays pogo from time to time, do i just let it bypass the firewall or should i block it? i have never had no issue with Playbuddy ever but the warning worries me> Please help community. Thank you, and i am also not very good with computers

1 reply

  • Moderator
  • 21856 replies
  • January 25, 2015
Hello Usc,
Welcome to the Community Forum,
I'm sorry to hear you are having problems with this play buddy pogo. I'm not having any issue with playing these games. Webroot is not blocking me from this So please read below and see if this helps.

 To protect your computer from hackers and other threats, the firewall monitors processes that attempt to access the Internet. It also monitors the ports used for communicating with the Internet. Advanced users have control over whether SecureAnywhere will allow or block certain processes and port communications.

To change settings for active connections:
  1. Open SecureAnywhere.  
  2. Click the gear icon next to PC Security. [img][/img]  
  3. The Scan & Shields panel displays, showing the shields on the right, with the View Active Connections button at the bottom of the list. [img][/img]  
  4. Click View Active Connections. The window displays processes with currently active connections to the Internet and the status of your system ports. [img][/img]  
  5. Then  have a look here at the USER GUIDE and Here 
Then go to the BrightCloud to check the URLs.
If you still need help then please issue a Support Ticket free of charge and they can assist you with this.
Best Regards,
