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On Samsung Note 3 - Anti Virus Definitions are flagging as out of date

Hi Folks - need some help here - Started today on my Samsung Note 3 - telling me that my AntiVirus Definitions area out of date. I have it set to check has not updated since April 18th.....when I try to force an update it does not update.  What's the scoop ?

2 replies

  • 1 reply
  • April 26, 2014
Same problem, started today, 4/26. Products been installed for months, no recent updates but, starting today, definitions won't update. No "failed update" message, simply no result after click "force update now." Restarted tablet, same result. Running on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • April 27, 2014
Hi dIrowell
Welcome to the Community Forums...:D
From rading through the other threads that we have recently seen re. this and you have tried the advice already given then I would suggest that you submit a Open a Support Ticket at this time, as it is most likely that the assistance of the Support Team will be needed to address the issue.
Please note that whilst the Suport Team work 24/7 over the weekend there is no telephone support and the best communications is by Support Ticket & email from that.
Do let us have feedback on how you are progressing as all such feedback is useful to us volunteers when it comes to helping users in the future.