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Password Manager and Webroot´s communication on this matter

  • New Voice
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Hello all,

It´s been quite a long time since I posted something. I have been a loyal Webroot customer for more than 10 years, since spysweeper and windows washer days.

For the first time after so many years I will not be renewing my subscription. The root cause of this decision is the issue with the password manager, broken for several months and with no information from Webroot as to when this will be fixed.

Webroot said by end of February should be fixed but it is 3/10 and still no news. Some other users asked again and received again an enigmatic radio silence. Perhaps this is related to the recent acquisition by Carbonite and any related matters.

Some users are suggesting to use other clients such as Lastpass free version until a fix is released. That´s fine, but in my case is the lack of communication what is taking me to make this decision. It´s been several months and we do not get any message at all. I could be ok with a sort of ´Guys, sorry, but developing this is taking longer than expected´. I may not like that response but I would understand and at least I would be getting some kind of feedback.

I am under the impression that there might be changes to the business approach, including software provided to the customers. It is my personal choice not to commit for one year or more when I have no clear picture of what´s going on and the future of the software. Communication may help to address this gap, but as I noted above, there is no communication.

I know you guys are follwing instructions from leadership and woul like to let you know that customer service has always been great.

I might come back in the future if things change and you have a clear direction and communication policy. In the meantime I would need to switch vendors, it is sad, but there are also other great products out there.

Thanks for all the good things in the past and hope all the best for Webroot employees.

2 replies

Carbonite indicates that they should/might/maybe be " closing the later part of the first quarter ".
My communication with Carbonite had no indication of the ins/and's/or buts of the " Password Manager ".

Carbonite has been more help than the suits and skirts at WR. Ive sent emails to them asking various questions and they have been STELLAR at communicating, unlike WR.

  • New Member
  • 58 replies
  • March 11, 2019
uvox wrote:
Hello all,

I might come back in the future if things change and you have a clear direction and communication policy. In the meantime I would need to switch vendors, it is sad, but there are also other great products out there.

Thanks for all the good things in the past and hope all the best for Webroot employees.

Unlike some other disgruntled users, I respect your reasoned, non-threatening post. it seems only appropriate for Webroot to publicly address the issue in some way just to demonstrate to users that they are aware of our concern and sympathetic. Silence is probably not a good approach at this juncture. I'm not sure what else can be said.
