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This interface STILL makes no sense to me.

Bronze VIP

I think I have borough this up before, but again, I am at a loss to exactly what to push or tap to see WHAT the program has found. So as a UI designer, once again I will complain that this is an AWFUL interface. If I am warned about a potential threat, I should not have to guess or search for the first thing someone will want to do: See the threats. 


 I am going to assume “Remove Threats” will do just that, remove what IT thinks are threats. But frankly, Webroot has removed things it thought were threats hat actually broke the system and were not threats. So I need to see a list first. 

OK, so I actually found a way to see the list. You click on the TINY GREEN words that says, “31 items”. That takes me to Quarantine and from there I can see a tab called threats. Very round about. 

But several problems here: One, “31 items” is in green. Usually the color that nothing is wrong. Two, it is not obvious that one can click on the words “31 items”. They are not underlined like a link might be, and as I said, they are green (no Star Trek pun intended here.) 

I tried clicking on the word Mac Security, and all it does is switch from white to gray. BUT the green check mark changed to an orange STOP hand. (that actually made me laugh, like it was telling me not to do that again.)

Then I tried the little gear to the right of the Mac Security words. OH, there they are. Come on, a gear next to Mac Security is not very obvious that it would show me a list of threats. It looks like a settings icon, not an action button to see threats.

Seriously Webroot, this interface needs a complete work over. I have been using Webroot for what a decade now, and I still have problems finding the right item to click?  Not a good UI. 

And while I am complain about UI, how do I tell the program to ignore something it thinks is always a threat. If it flags something, and that something is a thing I know is not a threat, how do I say “Ignore” on this item (something I had in previous programs)?  This is something I can't find anywhere. 

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  • November 8, 2024

Wow, crickets. I guess you do not want to hear about useability issues. Sorry.

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  • November 8, 2024

I will ping @TylerM to see if he can get someone from the Mac development team? @Jeremiah Voris and @macdonaldj 

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  • November 8, 2024

Just FYI, for people I have recommended WSA to, they have mostly all said the same thing, they are confused by the interface.  Thanks for passing it on Daniel. It is time for an update anyway.  😁


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  • November 8, 2024

Hello from Canada,

I too would be confused and agree that where it says “31 items”, it is not obvious to the user that this is an active link to a list.

I think it’s okay to display that information where it is now... but I would prefer something more obvious and understandable, such as an obvious hyperlink below the “Remove Threats” button. It could be a link that says “View list of threats (31 items)”.


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  • November 20, 2024

FYI Daniel, I heard nothing on either issue I have had. 

Support suggested that I reboot to remove a drive that is stuck. So basically, WSA has a bug, and their solution is any time I use a drive, I should reboot to remove it.

As for this issue, I complained about this over a year ago. Has there even been a Mac update for the  last year? 

SIGH. What the hell has happened to the Mac team? 

I am going to stop recommending Webroot to my Mac clients. To be honest, I am tired of answering questions about the interface, especially when even I am confused by it, and stuck thumb drives, which I get calls on regularly. 

I am very unimpressed with Mac support on Webroot. 

  • Moderator
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  • November 20, 2024

Sorry to hear and very sad outcome with the Mac client. 🤢


@TylerM  ​@Jeremiah Voris ​@macdonaldj 


Is there anybody out there 🤔

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  • November 21, 2024

I just got a message on my ticket for not letting the system eject  drives. They closed it with instructions on how to reinstall the software. SIGH. 

I miss the old Webroot. The support these days is AWFUL. Seriously, closing the ticket before I even said that solved the problem? That is unacceptable in my book. SIGH. Not a happy customer at the moment. 

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  • November 21, 2024
MajorHavoc wrote:

I just got a message on my ticket for not letting the system eject  drives. They closed it with instructions on how to reinstall the software. SIGH. 

I miss the old Webroot. The support these days is AWFUL. Seriously, closing the ticket before I even said that solved the problem? That is unacceptable in my book. SIGH. Not a happy customer at the moment. 

Honestly we Mods don’t know what’s going on and why there’s no good support for the Mac Client. It’s very upsetting at times… 😈

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  • November 21, 2024
TripleHelix wrote:

Sorry to hear and very sad outcome with the Mac client. 🤢


@TylerM  ​@Jeremiah Voris ​@macdonaldj 


Is there anybody out there 🤔

Hey guys we need some help with the Mac Client if you can’t help please get someone that will.



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  • November 21, 2024

I completely understand Daniel. I guess I am just venting. Sorry. 


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  • November 21, 2024
MajorHavoc wrote:

I completely understand Daniel. I guess I am just venting. Sorry. 


Don’t be sorry we don’t know what’s going on at the core and I assume they can’t tell us because OpenText is a publicly traded company but still why are staff not replying when we ping them especially for the Mac Client? It bugs us as well even though we don’t use the Mac client.





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  • November 22, 2024

One more try! ​@TylerM ​@macdonaldj ​@Jeremiah Voris  Help Please.

  • Sr. Security Analyst & Community Manager
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  • November 22, 2024

I have re-messaged them again from last week

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  • November 22, 2024

@MajorHavoc  My name is Josh. While I do not want to speak on their behalf, in my role I work very closely with our Product Manager and the Engineering group. I can assure you that this feedback regarding the UI will be shared with the appropriate folks during our next meeting. Over the past number of years there have been some significant improvements “behind the curtains” to our Mac agent, but I would agree the overall design and feel of the user interface has remained relatively unchanged. I think a conversation around this specific feedback and other general UI improvements is most certainly worth having, so it’s on my docket. When ​@Jeremiah Voris  returns to office I’ll be sure to bring this to his attention.


Regarding the inability to eject or remove drives - this is something I am particularly interested in.  I would also like to review the Support Ticket history so we can take advantage of any coaching opportunities. Do you have a ticket number associated with that case so I can have a member of our Escalation Team contact you?



Josh DeBerry

Lead Global Escalation Manager

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  • November 25, 2024

Thank you Josh.  It has been a sore point of frustration for so many of my clients, and thus a point of frustration for me as well.  I’m happy to provide feedback and suggestions (when not frustrated so I’m more calm) at any time. As an HI (human interface) designer one point in my life, I’m also happy to give feedback on ideas if you like. But as I always say, simple is always better, with the expert settings down a level as to not confuse the general user with items they often do not need. 

I have responded to your other message with info. As for the ticket number, I do not have that readily available (I’m in my iPad) but I will try and find it and post it on Monday.


Thank you for the reply. I’ll go have a drink and chill out. I’m going to prescribe that to several clients as well. 😁