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This Site Can't Be Reached error

  • January 14, 2019
  • 4 replies

I'm new to VPN and the WiFi Security product. I just installed it yesterday and have tried to torrent in safety. Each torrent site I've tried gives me the "This Site Can't be Reached" error. I''m using the Automatic Location connection. What do I need to do to be able to connect to torrent sites?
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  • Author
  • Fresh Face
  • 3 replies
  • February 8, 2019
After working with WiFi Security for a while, and learning more about torrenting, I've discovered that the sites I had been trying really AREN'T there when I tried them (even with VPN turned off!). Once I found a more reliable site, I have had no trouble connecting, and have successfully used it to get what I want. The only remaining issue I've found is that I cannot connect to a site that uses http: protocol instead of https: . It's easy enough to work around this, and I imagine it's true because one is safer sticking with https: anyway.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 152 replies
  • February 8, 2019
I'm glad you were able eliminate WiFi Security as the source of the missing sites (in that they are genuinely missing), the HTTPS thing is odd though.

What happens if you try to go to with VPN running, and on which platform?

If it is blocked or doesn't load, which endpoint (e.g. US East) were you connected to and which device and browser were you using?

(Edit: Accidentally listed gave Never SSL URL as HTTPS)

  • Author
  • Fresh Face
  • 3 replies
  • February 8, 2019
I am running Windows 10 version 1803 (build 17134.523). When VPN is on and connected (using Automatic Location with a Mexico server) works just as it does without VPN active. However, when I try to reach with VPN active, I get an "Access Denied" error. I'm using Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit). The browser changes my entered URL to before displaying the error. When I correct the URL to, the same thing happens. If I turn VPN off and enter the URL, the browser corrects the URL to and connects normally to the site.

Strange stuff, indeed.

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 152 replies
  • February 8, 2019
The site has a HTTPS redirect and has a technology called HSTS which ensures that you always access the site via HTTPS/SSL for your own security. It helps mitigate attacks like SSL strip where an attacker on a WiFi hotspot intercepts a request to a site made without using HTTPS and proxies it via them before the site can redirect.

With reference to the VPN issue, it appears that denies access based on location. Accessing the site without using the VPN from the United Kingdom results in "Access Denied" on both HTTP and HTTPS. Similarly doing the same using the VPN in Mexico and Canada.

Setting the VPN to the United States West and East this works just fine.