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Typing delay in email

When typing in my email window I get a annoying delay periodically. Letters are skipped...anyone know why?

4 replies

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 1450 replies
  • July 25, 2016
Hello szzuber. 
Welcome to the Webroot Community.
I'm inclined to think that the answer to the issue you describe may best be found via process of elimination. 
Can you give us more detail regarding the Operating System, email client, browser, and anything else you may have noticed?
Are you using an Ad blocker? What language is your keyboard?
I'd firstly suggest shutting down Webroot (very temporarily) , by right-clicking on the tray icon and clicking "shut down protection" to identify if WSA is the cause of this. Or you could try disabling the filtering extension in the browser to check this also.
Perhaps we may get some other suggestions here, but if the issue can be linked to Webroot, then ultimately you can Submit a Support Ticket  for resolution. This service is a free part of an active subscription.
Please get back to us with further info, or questions. Thanks. 

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • July 25, 2016
Hi szzuber
Welcome to the Community Forums.
If I may just add to what Dermot has posted...some further questions in terms of (i) what email client are you using or (ii) are you using web mail via a browser & (iii) if a browser then which one or which ones are you using when you have the issue.
Finally is this something new or has it been happening for some time and/or getting progressively worse as time has gone by?
Regards, Baldrick

  • Author
  • Fresh Face
  • 1 reply
  • July 25, 2016
Thanks for the replies.
The problem seems to have come on recently and is relatively consistant.
Intel i74930K CPU 3.4GHz, 32.0 GB, 64- bit, 6Yahoo, Windows 10 Pro, English, same performance in Firefox and IE, English language.
A question:
Where do I disable the filtering extension in the browser?
Where isthe  "tray" icon?

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
  • 16060 replies
  • July 25, 2016
Hi szzuber
As Dermot does not seem to be around I will reply in his absence.
To disable the filtering extension you need to go to the addons/extension page iin your browser; for Firefox it is by clicking on the Settings button (top right hand corner...the three horizontal lines icon and then selecting 'Addons'. On the next page displayed click on the entry entitled 'Webroot Filteing Extension, and to the right hand side you will see options to 'Remove' & 'Disable'...use the LATTER one not the former to disable the extension.
The tray icon is on the right hand side of your task bar, i.e., in the bottom right hand corner of the Desktop; you should see a set of icons to the left of the time...the WSA one is the Green Circle with a 'W' in it.
In terms of the delay when using Firefox please see this thread from the Mozilla Support Forums that may be of some help.
Let us know how you get on and/or if you require more assistance.
Regards, Baldrick
