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i have a few questions before buying webroot, maybe someone can help me out?


  1. Network shares/mapped drive
    Personally i have almost all my personal data stored on network shares.
    If i try to run a manual scan on these shares, the scan stars and almost immediately stops.
    The logfile states that nothing was scanned.
    If I right click scan a folder, some files get scanned, but not all and it doesn't seem webroot is diving deeper into sub-directories.
    Can anyone clarify, what the expected behavior is?
  2. Firewall
    Unlike other products, webroot doesn't seem to integrate with the windows firewall, which is perfectly fine for me.
    Does the webroot firewall take precedence over the windows firewall or will the rules in the windows firewall match first?
  3. Reporting
    This is more like a feature request. Are you planning on improving the reporting interface and logfiles of previous scans?
    The report interface is very tiny on i.e.. 2560x1440 with the fixed sized of the reporting box. In addition the scan reports, that I first have to save to watch them, feel cluttered with non-infected items and infected items in between. A summary would be great, but maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Cheer and thank you for reading


Hi Lart,


This response is going to assume you are running Webroot SecureAnywhere Essentials.  It's possible you're still running Webroot Internet Security Essentials 2011 though, and if that's the case, I'd encourage you to upgrade.  What prompts me to think that may be the case is that we don't have a "fixed size" in the reporting area.  It exports a text file that you can open in Notepad and manipulate to a larger font if you'd like.  The 2011 program had a fixed size aspect though.


1. I tried reproducing this issue, but I was unable to reproduce it except on a drive that had no data on it.  In fact, when I attempted to perform a scan via the context menu, it was quite thorough.  It would be beneficial for support to see the logs in this case.  Based on this disorder in the report that you're reporting in issue 3, there may be some corruption in the database.


2. The Webroot firewall does in fact work in conjunction with the Windows firewall.  The Windows firewall is inbound.  Our own firewall is outbound.  They both need to be active for comprehensive firewall protection.  We are not doing the same things, so in this case running two firewalls is actually a good thing.


3. That screen resolution is pretty high!  The general Windows standard right now is still a 10pt font, which is what we are using in the exported notepad log text file.  You can always adjust the font in Notepad as you see fit.  The disorder you're reporting might indicate a database problem.  You will normally see the results displayed in an ordered fashion.  Unknowns are displayed towards the top.  Good files are towards the bottom.  You get a summary all the way at the bottom of the text file.  A disordered list would be unusual, and you should open a support ticket here if this is in fact an issue for you in the 2012 program.  Again however, if you're on the 2011 program you should update instead.
Hello Chris, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. 😃
